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If you couldn't tell by the episode title, Buzz is somewhat excited to have received the latest Nippon Ichi Software SRPG "Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero" early. In fact, not even some weird cold symptoms could keep him from mouth-breathing his way through some early impressions.
Meanwhile, Porter shares his experiences with the surprise drop that was Ninja Gaiden 2: Black from Koei Tecmo. And since we let him get away with honestly too much on this podcast, Porter also shares his recommendation for the comic series "Die" (2018-2021, Image Comics). No, but actually it sounds really good.
And because of the previous item, we get sidetracked talking about isekai as a genre and how the deep VRMMO plots could lay off some of their contrivances.
"My life is like a videogame, trying hard" - no it's not. Stop. We got real problems to contend with and serious turmoil on a global scale. Now let's play some D&D...