The Pharmacy Vision Awards at Vizient celebrate values and achievements of our program participants. The innovation award is granted to an individual or group who works with others to implement an innovative approach to a challenging patient care or operational practice issue. The 2023 winner, Ochsner Health, represented by Dr. Lisa Boothby, Director of Pharmacy at Ochsner Medical Center - West Bank Campus, Dr. Johlee Odinet, System Medication Safety Officer and Veronica Theriot, Director of MedSurg/Tele Stepdown Unit discuss with host Gretchen Brummel their program aimed at expanding pharmacists’ responsibilities to include medication administration.
Guest speakers:
Lisa Boothby, PharmD, MBA
Director of Pharmacy
Ochsner Medical Center West Bank Campus
Johlee Odinet, PharmD, BCPS, CPPS
System Medication Safety Officer
Ochsner Medical Center West Bank Campus
Veronica Theriot, RN
Director of MedSurg/Tele Stepdown Unit
Ochsner Medical Center West Bank Campus
VerifiedRx Host:
Gretchen Brummel, PharmD, BCPS
Show Notes:
[00:55-02:02] Guest’s background information
[02:03-03:17] Ochsner Information
[03:18-05:30] People not mentioned who were contributors to their success
[05:31-07:47] Need for pharmacists' expanded role in administering medications in the inpatient setting
[07:48-18:06] How Ochsner accomplishes pharmacist expanded role
[18:07-23:02] Other outcomes from their work
[23:03-26:00] What surprised them about the process
[26:01-28:42] Advice for others wanting to implement this innovative practice
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