
  • "Disability is not linear and nothing to be ashamed of" with Liz and Sam
    Aug 31 2024

    According to the ⁠Human Rights Campaign (HRC)⁠, About one-quarter (24%) of cisgender LGBQ+ adults, and a third (35%) of transgender adults reported cognitive disabilities, compared to less than one in ten (9%) non-LGBTQ+ adults. However, it is important to raise awareness about the LGBT-disabled community issues and understand how to employ effective strategies for living in a forever-changing world.

    Phenomenal Disabilities with Tree Lowe's guests, Liz Prichard and Sam Lasher, are LGTQIA partners and have been inseparable for quite a while. Each has navigated similar experiences in the neurodivergent community, previous dating journeys, chat about their careers, ableism, and current life together. With a quarter of the United States having some form of disability, Liz and Sam educate the world about solutions, and navigations encountering non-disabled and non-LGBTQIA communities with ableist responses. Liz and Sam express that there is more to life by rising above negative experiences while mentoring others to live their authentic selves within the disabled/LGBTQIA communities.

    For auditory listeners on the go, check out Phenomenal Disabilities with Tree Lowe on ⁠Apple Podcast⁠⁠, Amazon, Spotify, iHeart, and many more.

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    1 h et 10 min
  • Disability Is Not A Means To An End with Dr. D'Arcee Neal
    Aug 28 2024

    According to CDC.gov CP was significantly more common among Black children than white children and (82.9%) of the children identified with CP had spastic CP. Well, Dr. D’Arcee Neal is no newbie to the disability and others (Spastic Cerebral Palsy and onset fluency). Neal was born with CP and navigated his other disabilities throughout his life. As a proud LGBTQIA and BIPOC community member, Neal has fought over the years for advocacy rights. Aside from his community and health background, Neal is a professor, writer, singer, advocate, activist, and many more.

    According to a CAP20 2022 survey, community members reports of experiencing some form of discrimination in the past year were elevated among LGBTQI+ respondents of color (45 percent), LGBTQI+ individuals with disabilities (47 percent), and transgender or nonbinary individuals (56 percent), as well as people with intersex traits (67 percent).

    Neal discusses various topics on the show (career, advocacy, family, friends, and hurdles with dating). Many of the topics discuss global issues among many disabled individuals, especially, when it includes racial and sexual identity. However, raising awareness about these key topics is extremely important for other communities to be knowledgeable about avoiding ableist and discriminative responses.

    On another note, the Dateability dating app services, founded by Alexa Child and Jacqueline Child, provide space for the disabled community to establish dating connections. However, this is just a tiny fix to addressing dating, among other issues (discrimination against career, housing, etc.), which is still an ongoing issue in the communities (disabled, LGBTQIA, BIPOC, seniors, etc.) navigate daily.

    Neal believes it’s time to make significant improvements and change under turbulent political election times, considering the outcome for many communities affected by bureaucratic and selfishly constructed policies that are designed to protect white, male, extremist fanatics’ objectives of dismantling so many communities in the United States.

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    1 h et 59 min
  • Sounds of Blackness Singer, Melody Doyle "A Super Woman On a Mission."
    Aug 24 2024

    Melody Doyle is a singer from the music group Sounds of Blackness. She's had her own experience navigating addiction, dealing with in and out of jail correctional facilities, sobriety, her neurodivergent disabilities, family, and so much more. She is a mother of two children, recently engaged, a peer coach, and her collaborative role with Sounds of Blackness helped win the group numerous awards. Melody encourages everyone never to give up and find more in their life. This show episode is not only about Melody's journey, it provides insight into an ongoing issue that affects so many people who navigate mental disabilities, addiction, and deal with a lack of resources. Many involve inadequate rehabilitation in correctional facilities, lack of schooling, housing availability after leaving prison, etc.). Stay TUNED for Melody's live performance on Phenomenal Disabilities with Tree Lowe.

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    49 min
  • We Are Visible Talents, Not Invisible - With Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, & Marie Dagenais-Lewis
    Sep 18 2023

    Getting work in the industry can be pretty challenging. We have to navigate a field of different people from all walks of life. It has been a challenge for many disabled people to compete against able-body people for boardroom seats, positions as executive producers, directors, producers, etc. The LCA Marketing Team (Dana JonesK, Katie Farmer, James Barniker, Marie Dagenais-Lewis & Tree Lowe) discuss the importance of executive positions on the show. In addition, why the media industry should hire more disabled people. In addition to the writers strike, careers, etc., they'll enlighten the world from a warm perspective.

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    51 min
  • No Barriers with Dylan Lazaga
    May 1 2023

    Since childhood, Dylan Lazaga has lived authentically as an epileptic individual. Despite his disability, Dylan continues to pursue his dreams. Dylan believes it is important for people to understand epilepsy and to be prepared when someone experiences an epileptic episode. Disabilities, according to Dylan, aren't barriers. In addition, Dylan believes that neurotypical individuals should be open-minded, instead of quick to judge.

    Follow Dylan Lazaga at https://www.youtube.com/@dylanlazaga413/videos

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    23 min
  • A Super Mom's Message About Autism with Susan Sheller
    Mar 30 2023

    A mother, songwriter, poet, work professional, and spiritual reader, Susan Sheller's love for her autistic son shows in her power and strength to do what it takes to give him the best life. But Susan is here to provide insightful information on autism and other disabilities. Sheller's mission is to educate the world while advocating for her son. Discrimination and misunderstanding of autism are common. Throughout this show, Susan aims to raise awareness about autism and what can be done to help.

    “Disability isn’t to be ashamed of, is not a reason to give up, judge yourself, and being denied of.”~~~Susan Sheller

    Follow Susan Sheller at:





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    50 min
  • A Global Inclusion Perspective with Nargiz Yeldenbayeva and Inessa Missetskaya
    Mar 29 2023

    Inclusion globally has been a topic of discussion within the disability community. It is however necessary for inclusion to be realized through action, which is why Nargiz Yeldenbayeva and Inessa Missetskaya from Georgia, have decided to take matters into their own hands in order to guide the disabled community to self-empowerment and inclusion.

    Nargiz and Inessa are trainers of inclusion practices, developing trainers, practitioners, public speakers, and advocates. Their work focuses on equity and inclusion. In addition to their professional backgrounds, both of the ladies are parents of disabled children. As part of their work with the disabled community, Nargiz and Inessa strive to improve their lives with effective tools through tactile therapy. Individuals with cerebral palsy, autism, blindness, and other disabilities have been known to benefit from tactile therapy. Many sensory activities are involved: smell, listening to sounds, taste, food, and touch. However, there are so many forms of this practice.

    Nargiz and Inessa discuss their techniques with many people they work with, provide insightful information, and wisdom to reflect on. Inessa and Nargiz's message to the world is that disabilities must be respected everywhere. It is also imperative for the able-bodied community to offer disabled individuals the freedom of safe space to explore and live authentically in the world.

    To find out more about Nargiz and Inessa's services and advocacy work visit:


    "Disability is not the reason to whitewash yourself. Disability is the opportunity to try to find answers. What is the relation between people and this world?"~~~~Inessa Missetskaya

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    1 h et 12 min
  • Relationship and Anxiety with Dr. Laurie Weiss
    Feb 16 2023

    Dr. Laurie Weiss, psychotherapist, coach and relationship communication expert has helped more than 60,000 individuals reclaim life energy and find joy in life for more than four decades. She has taught professionals in 13 countries and authored 13 books that make complex information accessible to anyone. Her popular, Letting It Go, teaches rapid anxiety and stress relief. http://www.LaurieWeiss.com

    She and her husband, Jonathan B. Weiss, Ph.D., started working together in 1970. Both Drs. Weiss love mixing business and pleasure and enjoy visiting professional colleagues and friends around the globe. They live and work in Littleton, Col. USA.

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    40 min