
  • Creed II vs. Concrete Cowboy
    May 10 2024

    HIT 'EM WITH THE 1-2! This week Donnie Johnson is back with Creed II (2018) and climbing in the ring to spar the Philly indie with a small budget but a big heart, Concrete Cowboy (2020). Join Matt and Julian as they reveal Julian's pivotal, crucial, historic (uncredited) role on the set of Creed!

    Later in the episode, they'll be joined by the lady who made the podcast possible, Janine Spruill! She's showing up to the conversation with decades of filmmaking expertise, a lifetime of living in Philly, and a story about that one time she got stuck next to a horse at a red light!

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 57 min
  • Creed vs. Law Abiding Citizen
    May 3 2024

    IN THIS CORNER we’ve got none other than Adonis Creed! This week on the pod we’ll be pitting the new kid on the block Creed (2015) against a vigilante film filled with blood, fire, and endless crane shots, Law Abiding Citizen (2009). Join Matt and Julian as they soak up the revitalization that the Rocky franchise desperately needed!

    Later in the episode they'll be joined by the podcast's trusty audio editor, Garrett Smith! He'll be dishing out a critique of the vigilante genre and espousing the talents of famed b-movie actor "Gerry Butts!"

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 43 min
  • Rocky Balboa vs. Shadowboxer
    Apr 26 2024

    XD SO RANDOM! This week we’ve got the exhausted Rocky Balboa (2006) hobbling into the ring against an unhinged assassin with mommy issues, Shadowboxer (2005). It's an early 2000s cringefest that you won't soon forget!

    Later in the episode, we've got communications savant Zachary Thomas in the studio! He's using his expertise to try and talk some sense into Lee Daniels and settle the debate of where you can get the best Philly cheesesteak once and for all!

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 34 min
  • Rocky V vs. Wide Awake
    Apr 19 2024

    Get ready for a K.O.! This week in the ring we've got Rocky V (1990) up against... a pre-teen experiencing a religious crisis? Wide Awake (1984) is the M. Night Shyamalan movie no one's ever seen until now! Join Matt and Julian as they discuss SEPTA street fights and whatever the hell that building is at the top of the Rocky Steps!

    Later in the episode, we've got a certified cinematographer in the studio with us, Jalen Ramseur-Williams! He's got a bone to pick with Shyamalan and we're opening up the arena for them to settle this once and for all!

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 22 min
  • Rocky IV vs. Birdy
    Apr 12 2024

    TO THE END! The fight isn't even halfway over! This week Rocky IV (1985) is taking the global stage against a Russian killing machine while two local South Philly boys battle their avian demons after returning home from war in Birdy (1984). Join Matt and Julian as they discuss carnival games, blind nationalism, and a Lamborghini sponsorship!

    Later in the episode, we're joined by a cherished member of the Philm Rematch team, Jonah Rose! He's taking a break from composing the podcast's music to talk about spidey-cams and weigh in on the "many moons" of Matthew Modine.

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 20 min
  • Rocky III vs. Trading Places
    Apr 5 2024

    ROUND 3! While Rocky and Apollo are "training" in Rocky III (1982) two comedic heavyweights experience a Freaky Friday moment in Trading Places (1981). Join Matt and Julian as they discuss avenging Mickey, homoerotic subtext, and Mr. T!

    In the second half of the episode, we're joined by filmmaker and journalist Nasya Jenkins! She'll be spitting some truth about the film industry, Philly, and the film industry in Philly. Tune in for her many insights!

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 31 min
  • Rocky II vs. Blow Out
    Mar 29 2024

    DING! DING! Up next to the ring against Rocky II (1979) is an opponent who's been waiting to make a comeback from a flop at the box office over 40 years ago, Blow Up (1981)! Join Matt and Julian as they discuss soap opera comas, missing school to train with Rocky, and (reluctantly) Quentin Tarantino.

    Later on, we'll be joined in episode two by two of the greats! Recent media grad Kayshana Massiah and Guideline Media's marketing manager Tolani Dusunmu will join us in the studio to call Brian De Palma out for miscasting his wife and provide the best Rocky impression we've heard yet!

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 14 min
  • Rocky vs. Mikey & Nicky
    Mar 22 2024

    Let's get ready to RUMBLE! In the premiere episode of Philm Rematch, Matt and Julian are opening up the arena for the franchise that made Philly famous: Rocky (1976)! The first challengers brave enough to spar against the Italian Stallion are a coupla hard-boiled guys from the same neighborhood, Mikey and Nicky (1976).

    Later in the episode, we'll be joined by the fearless leader of Guideline Media herself, Anissa Cooper! She'll help us break down the "philms" in question and champion their underdog spirit. Tune in to see which opponent comes out on top!

    Episodes of this limited series podcast drop every Friday. Philm Rematch was created through Guideline Media, a Lil' Filmmakers production.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 31 min