My guest tonight is Dr. David Yates, DC. He is an Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractor who will talk about his work with a therapy that can be used by anyone for healing. The specific technology he will discuss concerns natural healing via light using waste products from the body's normal processes. In the current world of aging baby boomers (of which your host proudly classifies herself) stem cell technologies have become increasingly popular. By reactivating old and damaged cells, the hope is that the body can live much healthier and better for a longer time. Dr.David Yates DC, PRS classifies himself as an Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractor Posture Reset Specialist. As such, his main goal is to help manage back and neck pain through the use of spinal adjustments. He concentrates on one's ability to maintain good overall alignment. I know this is crucial because most people who come to our office these days, complain of poor posture. As part of his job, he is a PhotoLight Therapy Technology Specialist. What that means is that he utilizes the current technology of LifeWave to help his clients heal faster, while managing their pain. He does this through the use of LifeWave patches. These patches are a form of phototherapy that when placed on the body, traps heat that the body produces naturally in its performance of everyday functions. This heat is captured in the form of infrared light. This light is then reflected in various different wavelengths of light depending on the type of patch used for different health benefits. To explain these patches, we have Caesar Gomez on the call as well.