Welcome to Journey Church!
Our mission is simple: We exist to make Jesus accessible to anyone.
We want to connect with you throughout the week! Download our Journey Church app
If this is your first time checking out Journey online go to
https://www.journeyorl.com/connect and tell us a little about yourself!
To learn more about church and discover your God given purpose, we encourage you to
take next steps! Visit https://www.journeyorl.com/nextsteps
Community isn't found, it's created. We believe God didn't call us to live life alone;
we're better together! The way we do community here is through small groups. For
more information on small groups visit https://www.journeyorl.com/groups to find a
group that best fits you.
If you have a need, or know of a need in your community, go to
https://www.journeyorl.com/help and complete our Community Need Form.
If you would like to financially support this ministry and help us continue reaching
people all over the world with the message of Jesus, you can go to
https://www.journeyorl.com/give. Thank you for partnering with us through generosity!