Get lost in familiar places? You're not alone! Simon and Chris are bewildered by supernatural disorientation, including cases of people being pixy-led by Newfoundland fairies and Balkan witches. Discover traditional defenses against non-human misleaders, from carrying bread to wearing clothes inside out (and yes, sometimes even stripping naked!). While our hosts consider scientific explanations - glitches in human compasses, they grapple with bizarre reports of impossible landscapes: gardens without paths, eighty foot hedges, and fields that trap their victims. Plus, one host recounts their own uncanny pixy-led experience in a car. Care to guess who?
Our readings from this month
Janet Bord, Fairies: Real Encounters with Little People
Dermot Mac Manus, The Middle Kingdom [stray sod]
John Gregorson Campbell, Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland, - Gaistig on the Island of Coll
Jeremy Harte, Explore Fairy Traditions
Mirjam Mencej, '‘Something Came Over Him’: Narratives on Being ‘Carried by Witches’ and Their Possible Connection to Altered States of Consciousness', Preternature 7 (2018)
Barbara Rieti, Strange Terrain: The Fairy World in Newfoundland
Chris Woodyard, - disorientation in the woods
S. Young, ‘Pixy-Led in the South West’, Transactions of the Devonshire Association 148 (2016), 311-336
S. Young, ‘Four Neglected Pixy-Led Sources from Devon’, The Devon Historian 85 (2016), 39-49
Any others to recommend?