
  • 514: 'The public does not yet have any sense of the breadth and depth of what's going to be coming out'
    Jul 3 2024

    Disgraced former state Sen. Ray Holmberg has indicated, through his legal counsel, that he will be pleading guilty to federal criminal charges related to international travel to solicit sex with children. "When that happens," Attorney General Drew Wrigley said on this episode of Plain Talk, "everything that we have becomes a public record."

    An untold number of public documents, including email messages and more, are currently inaccessible by the news media and the public due to state law that exempts records related to on-going criminal investigations. But once Holmberg official pleads guilty, which will happen later this year, that exemption will go away, and Wrigley says his office will work to preemptively make as much information available to the public as possible.

    Wrigley also spoke with me and my co-host Chad Oban about the on-going rift between North Dakota and Minnesota over fossil-fuel energy. Minnesota has passed a law mandating that all energy used in the state be from sources that don't emit carbon by 2040. North Dakota, which has successfully sued Minnesota over similar legislation in the past, and which provides the bulk of Minnesota's electricity, much of it from coal-fired power plants, is objecting.

    Wrigley sits on the North Dakota Industrial Commission, which recently sent Minnesota a letter asking the state to reconsider or reform the law. "We're not at war with Minnesota," he said. "We're not even at war with their statute. But we could be."

    Also on this episode, Gannon University Professor Jeff Bloodworth, who authored a recent Washington Post article about the struggles Democrats are having with rural voters, took our questions about how Democrats might go about fixing that problem.

    "Urban educated liberals took over the Democratic Party and started booting out working class Democrats," he said. He argues that the party's leaders currently see little need to figure out why rural Americans aren't voting for them. "It's just easier to stereotype rural voters," he said.

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    1 h et 11 min
  • 513: Chancellor Mark Hagerott, Rep. Brandy Pyle, and that terrible debate performance from President Joe Biden
    Jun 28 2024

    We covered a lot of ground on this episode of Plain Talk.

    Rep. Brandy Pyle, a Republican from Casselton, joined to talk about her efforts to curb distractions from devices in the legislative committee she chairs, and to talk about the struggles our society is having with our phone addictions.

    North Dakota University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott also joined to discuss the State Board of Higher Education's decision to move on from his leadership. Hagerott characterized it as an amicable transition, though he acknowledged that he doesn't get along with one board member. "I'm not on his Christmast list," Hagerott said, though he declined to mention which board member.

    Also on this episode, me and co-host Chad Oban discuss what we both agreed was a terrible, really bad, no good debate performance from President Joe Biden last night.

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    1 h et 26 min
  • 512: Trygve Hammer and Keep It Local ND
    Jun 26 2024

    The signature turn-in deadline for the committee backing a ballot measure to abolish North Dakota's tax on property value (but not, it's important to note, other types of property taxes) arrives on Saturday, June 29. The committee is expected to turn in the requisite number of signatures, which, if they pass muster, will kick off a repeat of a debate over property taxes voters here have had before.

    In 2012 a similar proposal to eliminate the tax on property value was put before voters, and it failed spectacularly. A coalition group calling itself Keep It Local ND rallied to persuade more than 70% of voters to cast their ballots against the measure.

    That coalition is back, and two of its organizers -- Andrea Pfennig from the Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce and my co-host Chad Oban, whose day job is with North Dakota United -- were on this episode of Plain Talk to discuss it.

    Their arguments against the measure? It would eliminate about $2.6 billion in revenues for local governments every budget cycle with no real plan for how to replace it. And those voters who are frustrated with the Legislature's impotence in addressing this issue should consider, they argue, that it would be that same Legislature tasked with coming up with a revenue alternative.

    Also on this episode, Democratic-NPL U.S. House candidate Trygve Hammer, fresh off his victory in the June primary, joined to discuss his general election campaign. He wants to make it clear to North Dakota voters that a Democrat winning a statewide vote in North Dakota is "not impossible."

    "I have an experience that's closer to what most North Dakotan's have experienced," he said, touting his military background and blue-collar resume. "I've been boots on the ground in the oil patch."

    Hammer spoke about everything from border security to foreign affairs.

    Of Ukraine, "Putin has to be stopped," Hammer said. "Putin is a butcher." In the middle-east, Hammer said Israel absolutely has a right to protect itself, but sees a toxic relationship between the Islamic extremists who are a threat to the Jewish state and its current leadership. "Netanyahu needs Hamas and Hamas needs Netanyahu," he said, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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    59 min
  • 511: 'You can't take these things seriously'
    Jun 14 2024

    North Dakota's primary elecitons this year were brutal. Attack ads and dirty tricks are endemic to politics, but I think most people would admit that, by the standards of our state, the Republican campaigns in this cycle were rough.

    In legislative races, we saw ads suggesting that some incumbent lawmakers promote pornography to children, or that they would be unsafe to allow your children around. In the U.S. House primary, some unknown entity supporting Rick Becker's campaign was sending out text messages trying to fool voters into thinking Julie Fedorchak, who ultimately won that race, had pulled out. And in the gubernatorial race, Tammy Miller's campaign ran ads accusing Kelly Armstrong of enriching himself by helping child molesters avoid justice.

    But when Armstrong appeared on this episode of Plain Talk to recap the race, he shrugged the attacks off. "You can't take these things seriously," he told me and my co-host Corey Mock.

    Armstrong now faces Democratic-NPL candidate Merrill Piepkorn in the general election, but we asked him, if he should win in November, what the top priorities of his administration would be.

    "Property taxes," he said, pointing out that consternation about those tax bills are running so high that a ballot measure to abolish them, which may appear on the November ballot as well, could well pass. "If it passes, you have a real problem," he said.

    Armstrong said another problem is access to labor. He said past political leaders in North Dakota have campaigned on creating jobs, but that doesn't make a lot of sense right now. "We have 30,000 open jobs," he said. "Campaigning on jobs is great...trying to figure out how to get people here to take them is a harder conversation."

    Also, in this episode, Mock and I discussed the seemingly intractable problem of property taxes, and what the primary election results mean for the future of the divide in the North Dakota Republican Party.

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    1 h et 8 min
  • 510: Julie Fedorchak recaps U.S. House primary win
    Jun 12 2024

    "We knew we wanted to stay positive and above board," Republican U.S. House nominee Julie Fedorchak said on this episode of Plain Talk.

    Fedorchak just emerged from a bruising competition against former state lawmaker Rick Becker and three other candidates with a resounding victory. She received nearly 50% of the vote in a five-way race.

    The race was a nasty one. In the final days text messages in support of Becker (thought he candidate has denied involvement) disseminated false information, including the bogus claim that Fedorchak had withdraw from the race. Fedorchak told me and co-host Chad Oban that she heard reports from poll workers saying voters were showing up thinking she wasn't still a valid candidate on the ballot.

    Fedorchak says her campaign plans to pursue their complaint with the Federal Election Commission over what she described as "election fraud," as well as possible legal action.

    That sort of campaigning is "bad for your overall cause," Fedorchak told us. "It's bad for conservatism."

    Also on this episode, Oban and I talk about Kelly Armstrong's resounding victory over Tammy Miller in the gubernatorial primary, as well as victories for traditional Republican candidates in legislative primaries around the state. Our conclusion? Last night, voters rejected ugly, populist, culture war campaigning, and it was an act of civic hygiene.

    To subscribe to Plain Talk, search for the show wherever you get your podcasts, or click here for more information.

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    56 min
  • 509: Our predictions for North Dakota's 2024 primary election
    Jun 7 2024

    Will a ballot measure putting age limits on North Dakota's congressional delegation, and printing candidate ages on the ballot, be approved by voters?

    Will MAGA-aligned populists gain ground against traditional Republican legislators in the North Dakota Republican party's primaries?

    Who will win the NDGOP's primaries for governor and U.S. House?

    Can Democratic-NPL candidates across the state build enough momentum to be competitive in the general election?

    My co-host Chad Oban and I make our predictions on this episode of Plain Talk. On our next show, on Wednesday, we'll either be gloating because we were right, or eating our hats.

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    55 min
  • 508: 'We need to do away with some of this Washington D.C. politics'
    Jun 5 2024

    Due to a scheduling mix-up with Attorney General Drew Wrigley -- he was coming on to discuss North Dakota's legal position in redistricting lawsuits -- this episode of Plain Talk was truncated.

    Still, despite the shorter show, we covered some good ground. Me and my co-host Chad Oban talked about the top election official in one of North Dakota's most populous counties winning a gift from U.S. House candidate Rick Becker's campaign.

    We also had Bismarck resident Lance Hagen on to discuss his FEC complaint against state Rep. Brandon Prichard and his federal political action committee Citizens Alliance of North Dakota, which has been running some wildly inaccurate ads and, Hagen alleges, may be violating federal rules on independent candidates colluding with candidates.

    Hagen also said he's concerned about Rep. Prichard shuffling money between political committees he's founded, arguing that money may be used for purposes the donors didn't intend.

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    35 min
  • 507: A heated conversation with Kelly Armstrong about Donald Trump's conviction
    May 31 2024

    When we booked U.S. Rep. Kelly Armstrong for this episode of Plain Talk, we weren't planning on talking about Donald Trump. The plan was to get Armstrong's reactions to polls showing a prohibitive lead for him over Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller in the Republican gubernatorial primary. The plan was to discuss the debate the Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce just hosted between him and Miller.

    But then a New York jury convicted Trump on 34 criminal counts, and we were obliged to talk to Armstrong about it. All the more so because, just hours before the jury handed down that verdict, Trump had endorsed Armstrong in the primary.

    It was a respectful but heated conversation -- neither I nor my co-host Chad Oban are Trump fans -- but I'm glad we had it. And one thing I appreciate about Armstrong is that you can have vigorous disagreements with him, and it's never personal.

    Armstrong, a former criminal defense attorney, addressed some of the legal arguments around the case. My argument? I'm worried that the particulars of the legal arguments cause us to gloss over the grotesque behavior from Trump that's at the heart of the case. Namely, the fact that he paid off multiple porn stars to cover up extra-marital affairs, and colluded with a notorious tabloid to capture and kill negative stories about him.

    We didn't just talk about Trump, though. We also covered the debate, property taxes, and child care.

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    1 h et 5 min