Daisy Buchanan is an award-winning journalist, author and broadcaster. In this episode she chats about the house shares that don’t live up to expectations and how our living experiences can be deeply intertwined with our job opportunities and romantic relationships.
Daisy’s books include the novels Insatiable, Careering and Limelight and her latest non-fiction book Read Yourself Happy – about how books can ease your anxiety - is out in February 2025.
Alice Wilkinson is an award winning journalist and author of How to Stay Sane in a Houseshare - an essential deep-dive into shared living. Every week, join Alice as she jumps into the trials and tribulations of navigating one of the most complex living set ups of the 21st century - a house share and ultimately asks, how do you keep it together when you're living together?
How to Stay Sane in a House Share is a friendly and informed guide to house sharing you have been waiting for. From how to choose the right housemate to navigating conflict when it (inevitably) arises, Alice draws on interviews with experts such as Professor Dunbar, 'The Millennial Therapist' Sara Kubric and more to explore the anxieties that run the lives of young professionals living in house shares to help create a more harmonious home.
Daisy is @thedaisybee on instagram
The book we chat about in this episode is Careering and is available to buy here
Daisy’s latest book Read Yourself Happy is available to order now
How to Stay Sane in a House Share is available to order now. Alice Wilkinson is @alicewilkinsonwrites on Instagram and writes Substack newsletter Addressing, exploring house sharing, home and belonging.
This podcast is produced by Bird Lime Media.