
  • The Trials & Woes of iPad Storage 8:30:24 12.15 PM
    Aug 30 2024
    The Trials and Woes of iPad Storage. Hello everyone. You know I love my iPad, but there's just one thing about it that has started to drive me a little batty. Yes, I'm talking about storage space.

    The iPad reminds me of a tiny basement. You can have all the beautiful furniture you want, but if you don't have room to store your stuff, you'll end up with clutter everywhere. Everyone wants the newest model, the latest of technology, yet somehow we all end up getting a swift kick in the behind when we discover that we're out of storage space.

    I can't tell you how many times I've tried to clear up space on my iPad. You know the routine. You're ready to download that new app, make that new podcast, save new images, make those new videos, only to be greeted with a message that says ‘storage almost full’. The iPad just can't hold everything, and all I wanna do is enjoy the iPad.

    So what do we do? The iPad keeps asking you to update, and you have more iCloud Drive and applications more than you do anything else. So you try to delete some photos that doesn't take up as much space, podcast, and some videos. And before you know it, the iPad is building up again running out of space, and your browser will act up because you can't update. You can't update until you get a certain amount of storage. You can't play your podcast and listen to websites. It’s crazy! More things happen.

    And here's another thing: cloud storage. They promised us the world with the cloud- an endless expanse of space where we wouldn't have to worry about limited storage. But let's be honest, that can feel a bit like going to the store to buy a bag of potato chips, and the bag is filled with air. I mean do you trust the cloud with all your cherished photos? Files can rearrange on your iPad and disappear. I suspect it's just a big fat lie.

    In the end I just wrestle in headache with my iPad. It constantly reminds me of its limitations, but I love my iPad. I really do. But if it continues to whine about storage, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

    With all the technology made, may it one day be able to manage its own storage space - or at least, may we all learn to live without that nagging message telling us we're just one video away from disaster. Isn’t technology supposed to make our lives easier? Sometimes I think it just wants to keep us on our toes.

    I'm Gail Nobles. Thank you for listening to Podcast, News, and Opinion.
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    5 min
  • Spark Plugs & Oil Leak 6:22:24 2.43 PM
    Jun 22 2024
    When I got home I looked under my hood one day and saw that my engine cover was covered with oil. I had never seen it like that before. The oil cap didn't seem to be leaking, but there was oil all around the spark plugs. I asked if spark plugs leaked and someone told me no. I had no idea where the oil was coming from, but it looked like it was coming from the spark plugs. I was told it was nothing to worry about. The car was running so I thought maybe the car was OK until I saw some smoke and smelt oil burning. But I still didn't worry as much as I should have because I figured it was just the all burning that I saw.

    Then my father came to visit me and he drove my car. He noticed that the car wasn't running as smooth as it normally would. He could tell and I couldn't. He asked my uncle who worked on cars to check it out my uncle took out the spark plugs and they were full of oil. The socket was full of oil so he removed the top of the engine cover and had to punch out some round seals and put some new ones in, and got some of the oil out of the sockets, and put a new valve cover piece in, and new spark plugs.

    When my uncle was done under the hood, the car was running real smooth. I could tell the difference then. I thank God for daddy and uncle. I think God for AutoZone.

    I'm Gail Nobles. Tune in again next time to Podcast, News, and Opinions.
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    2 min
  • When Ideas Grow 5:18:24 6.53 PM
    May 18 2024
    Hello! Welcome to Podcast, News, and Opinion. I'm Gail Nobles, and I would just like to say that I have so much I want to add to my stories. You can write a story and the whole story doesn't have to be a podcast. What you do this year, you may think of something else the next year. Your ideas for something may change. And when your ideas grow, that means things can get bigger. You might lose interest in your old ideas, but you can also take what's old and make it new.

    I have more than one sports podcast. Each one is different. When you have fans following you in different places, you might be thinking about putting all your content together so that your fans can find you and your content in one place. If you have two podcasts about sports, you can put them both on one blog together.

    I have more than one blog. Sometimes I have more ideas for one blog. You can make as many blogs as you need to as long as they are not the same. You might have podcast info for one and additional information to the other one.

    There is no limit what you can do with your content. One idea that you have might be a podcast, and the other idea that you have might be a radio broadcast. One idea that you have might be a blog, and the other that you have might be a website. When ideas grow, things can get bigger. When content grows, things can get bigger.

    I'm Gail Nobles. Thank you for listening and for tuning into Podcast, News, and Opinion.
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    3 min
  • Is It Better To Podcast Than Blog? 11:29:22 1.18 PM
    Nov 29 2022
    action music loop: Samplefocus.com

    Is it better to Podcast than Blog? I think so, if you want to get paid. I’ve been blogging for a long time switching from site to site. Sometimes writing sites shut down & you get stuck with nothing or you can write for a site, and you’re writing can be rejected. You can write on your own blog, put up a couple of ads, and not have a community. Sites can change the looks of your blogging, and I think that can affect the writer. A writer needs his or her own freedom to do things the way they want to. It’s always something.

    I’ve had better luck with podcasting. I get to talk to an audience and write a transcript. So writing is still involved. You are allowed to freely say what you want to say. You are the one in charge of how you want to do your podcast. That’s a good thing.

    People will get a chance to hear your voice with spoken words. The audience doesn’t have to read what you say but listen. They can hear your tone of voice. You might get person’s attention better. There is better communication & people can know you’re personality.

    The good thing about podcasting is you can monetize. You can get paid and be successful with podcasting if you stay consistent. I think it’s better to Podcast than blog.
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    2 min
  • Make Your Podcast Known 3:17:22 1.18 PM
    Mar 17 2022
    This is Gail Nobles on Podcast, News, and Opinion. You can be heard anywhere when you create your podcast, but not just anywhere will help you get listeners to your podcast. After joining Spreaker, my podcast were getting attention. I started with the free hosting plan. Then I decided to upgrade, and I began to distribute through Spreaker to iHeart.

    Distributing your podcast is important and it’s good to distribute to publishers like iHeart. I have more listeners now since I’ve been distributing. At iHeart, you can see your podcast with your music playlist and stations.

    So why don’t you choose Spreaker today. It’s a great place to start because there you can distribute. Just hit the link https://spreaker.pxf.io/vnNeqN in the info section below the podcast to find out more. I’m Gail Nobles. You’re listening to Podcast, News, and Opinion.
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    1 min
  • Monetizing Your Podcast - 4:8:21, 5.02 PM
    Apr 8 2021
    Hi! I’m Gail Nobles. Today we’re going to talk about monetizing your podcast. Some of us love to podcast no matter what, but we also can earn and get paid in doing what we love to do. If you have a podcast and have an audience, you might want to consider monetizing your podcast. With a free plan on a podcast platform, you have a lot of space and audio storage, but when you podcast almost everyday non-stop, the episodes can build up quickly. Keep in mind, you’re audience will want to hear more of your podcast after you have ran out of space.

    With a pro plan, you can place dynamic ads into your podcasts. You can get more hours of audio storage and unlimited episodes. You can create as many different shows as you would like if you’re thinking of more than one. For example, you may have a podcast about cars and numerous episodes, and another show about books and numerous episodes. You are allowed to think big in podcasting. So if you have a body of work now, and if you have listeners listening, you might as well sign up for a pro plan.

    I was introduced to Spreaker.com and their ad revenue sharing program. There you can do effortless podcast monetization. It’s nothing hard to do. You can listen to your podcast and place the ads where you want them by clicking with the mouse pointer.

    Ar you looking for a. Podcast hosting plan? With Spreaker, you can get one month free on Spreaker’s pro plan! Just click on the link below of this podcast. I’m Gail Nobles. Thank you for tuning in.

    Coupon link: https://spreaker.pxf.io/vnNeqN
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    2 min
  • Podcasts on Pandora - 11:16:18, 7.28 PM
    Apr 8 2021
    Podcasts on Pandora is finally here. I’ve been listening to Pandora for a long time. I love them as online radio. I remember when they first started. Pandora has an awesome platform. They allow you to create your own stations choosing music artists. Now, they allow you to submit your own music and comedy. So I think it’s time for some podcasts.

    If you podcast about music and artists, Pandora would probably be great for you to include your podcasts. You would be right there where music is. You wouldn’t have to worry about having a license to play music if Pandora allowed you to add our podcasts to your music station. At Pandora you would probably reach a music audience somehow.

    The question is do we really need online radio to include podcasts? If you podcast, you are already kind of building your own online radio, although you may not have a license to play the music. If you could get a license, you would have the whole ball of wax.

    Podcasters that podcast about music may consider including their podcasts to radio. Others may feel like they don’t need radio at all. Podcasting has many different categories and subjects; things that radio may not include. I believe that Pandora has recognized that.

    Another question is how will Pandora include podcasting? Will Pandora include all podcasters or will they include celebrity podcasters? There are a number of ways things could be done. I’m Gail Nobles and that’s the podcast news for today.
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    3 min
  • Having Your Own Spot - 12:9:18, 10.45 AM
    Apr 3 2021
    Why wait for online radio stations to choose your podcasts? If you can have your own spot somewhere online and get popular there, that would be great. Not all online radio stations will reject you. Those that won’t are a big help for your podcasts too, but having your own spot is even better. You can submit when you get ready and never be rejected.

    We need to be with others if we can work with others. We need online radio stations, we need blog platforms, and whatever it takes to help us be successful. But there is nothing in this world like having your very own. When you have your own, you can do things the way you want to and grow.
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    1 min