“WHAT IS THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?” “Pastor, I’m confused. Can you explain about the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Being Filled with the Spirit, the Gift of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues, and my Prayer Language again?” There is a common misunderstanding, leading to some confusion within the Body of Christ between the Baptism of the Spirit as evidenced by one speaking in tongues (also known as the "prayer language") … and the operation of the "gift of tongues", which, while similar in sound and nature, is completely different in focus and purpose. In this episode we will discover what the Bible has to teach us about this powerful gift, why it is so important and why so many churches argue about it! 40% Discount on the book mentioned in the message: https://www.newharvestrevivalcenter.org/product-page/simon-the-sorceror-merchandising-the-anointing https://www.newharvestrevivalcenter.org/product-page/sim%C3%B3n-el-hechicero-comercializaci%C3%B3n-de-la-unci%C3%B3n