If you’re a regular listener, you’ll know that one of our frequent—and recent—guests is Victoria Loorz, one of the founders of the Wild Church movement. In this conversation, she discusses her book Field Guide to Church of the Wild, which serves as a resource for individuals and communities seeking to reconnect with nature and spirituality. The book is a collection of stories, practices, and prayers from the Wild Church Network, aimed at fostering a deeper relationship with the natural world. Loorz emphasizes the importance of listening to nature, the diversity of spiritual practices, and the role of community in creating a sacred space outdoors. The conversation also touches on environmental concerns and the hope found in nature, encouraging listeners to embrace their kinship with the earth.
About the book Field Guide to Church of the Wild
Wild Church Network
Center for Wild Spirituality
- The book is a follow-up to Church of the Wild
- It provides resources for starting wild church gatherings.
- Nature invites us into a sacred relationship with God.
- Listening to our own yearnings is the first step.
- Wild Church is an emerging spiritual practice.
- Diversity in spiritual practices enriches community.
- The field guide format encourages exploration and play.
- Practices in the book can be adapted by anyone.
- Community gatherings can include diverse spiritual backgrounds.
- Hope can be found in nature amidst environmental crises.
Keywords: Church of the Wild, spirituality, nature, field guide, community, environmental care, kinship, diversity, listening, hope, Wild Church, Seminary of the Wild, Center for Wild Spirituality
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