Attention, on the other hand, just is life: your experience of being alive consists of nothing other than the sum of everything to which you pay attention. ~ Oliver BurkemanOliver (@oliverburkeman) is author of a number of books including, The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking* and Help! How to Become Slightly Happier and Get a Bit More Done.* His new book, Four Thousand Weeks*, is about "making the most of our radically finite lives in a world of impossible demands and relentless distraction".
In our conversation we of course start with productivity, but also dive into everything from ordering Korean food at 2am in NYC, to why being a digital nomad is not all it's cracked up to be. Oliver is not interested in productivity tricks, but rather digs deeper into the underlying psychology and philosophy implicit in our societal and individual obsessions with productivity. This conversation was a lot of fun, and I hope that something resonates with you and helps you to become more mindful if you continue your quest for productivity.
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