There’s a view of Jupiter out of the skylight. It’s clear enough to see the clouds shifting across its surface. My mathematics classroom is at half capacity, and the only person in the front row coughs three times before raising his hand.'
Tanner’s house is on the outskirts of the lunar town on Callisto. The dome’s edge sits just behind his backyard. Tanner has been noticing that lots of people in the town are getting sick. Some mysterious illness is plaguing his community.
Tanner’s sister Rachel thinks she knows what’s causing it and takes Tanner on an eye-opening adventure where they discover a lot more than just the cause of the illness.
Read Proof at:
Proof is the fourth story of Imagining The Future, a five-episode series of STEM-inspired fiction, specially commissioned for Future You. The five stories (The Callistan Cycle) chart the establishment of humanity’s first deep space outpost, on Callisto, the second largest moon of Jupiter. Each story comes as a full downloadable text and a thrilling dramacast, featuring five of Australia’s hottest young actors. And there’s lots of other fun Far Out! things to do, too.
Find out more at
See you in the future!
Proof by Gary Lonesborough
Dramacast Read by Joseph Althouse
Story Editor Kate Whitfield
Artwork by Aaron Kennedy
Sound Design by Weronika Raźna
Produced by Dan Prichard
Directed by Dan Prichard and Weronika Raźna
Imagining The Future is a program of Future You, an initiative of the Office of the Women In STEM Ambassador.
Proof (C) Gary Lonesborough 2023