Psoriasiform Dermatitis - the Derms on Drugs take on your worst nightmare when it comes to path reports. Dermatitis? Psoriasis? Both? Neither? We'll get into the weeds with Amber Atwater, who looked at what the final diagnoses ended up being in hundreds of patients with psoriasiform dermatitis that gives us some clues on how to approach these patients. We also review the latest work on idiopathic erythroderma - not so idiopathic anymore, thanks to the hard work and genius of Shawn Kwatra at the University of Maryland. And, stick around to the end for some hard hitting trivia on the American Contact Dermatitis Society's last 25 years of Allergens of the Year.
Join us for another episode of Derms on Drugs, brought to you by Scholars in Medicine.
1. Targeted dual biologic therapy for erythroderma of unknown etiology guided by high-parameter peripheral blood immunophenotyping
2. Molecular Structure and Function of Janus Kinases: Implications for the Development of Inhibitors
3. Final clinical diagnosis in cases of histopathologic psoriasiform dermatitis: retrospective cross-sectional analysis of a Southeastern United States population, 2004-2017
4. Epidermal spongiotic Langerhans cell collections, but not eosinophils, are a clue to the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis: A series of 170 clinically- and patch test-confirmed cases
5. The 2023 Annual Report of DataDerm: The database of the American Academy of Dermatology
6. Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis: section 1. Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis
7. The atopic dermatitis spectrum disorder. Recognizing the clinical heterogeneity in patients with atopic related skin conditions in order to improve therapeutic decision-making and outcomes: an expert panel consensus statement
8. Toluene-2,5-Diamine Sulfate: Allergen of the Year 2025