
  • Ep. 37- High A1c? Do These 3 Things
    Feb 20 2023
    The #superbowl57 campaign on "Get Real About Diabetes" shook me. And it should you, too.

    People with #type2diabetes are at greater risk of developing other diseases like cancer and heart attacks.
    If you're looking to get healthier and your A1c is high, know that there is a way for you to bring it down without the #ketodiet while still enjoying your #favoritefoods

    This episode shares 3 tips on how to reduce A1c levels, and you can likely start doing them today with what you have in your #pantry

    🥙 Food Fights Diabetes℠ open enrollment: https://www.bewellhwc.com/ffd
    💊 Get Real About Diabetes HQ: https://www.getrealaboutdiabetes.com
    📲 Need individual support or to ask questions on your next steps? Call 3016675005 or email bewellphc@gmail.com
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    34 min
  • Ep. 36- 2 Simple Ways to Feel Sexy Again
    Feb 2 2023
    A few weeks ago, I found out I look best in the smoky blues and pinks of the summer color palette.
    INSTANT confidence boost.
    A few months ago I started changing my workouts to support my cycle. My jeans fit better today after just 6 weeks.
    INSTANT confidence boost.

    What I'm trying to say is that there is a way for you to get a nearly instant win by changing small things in your lifestyle. Spoiler alert: most of them have to do with your mindset around any given habit 👀

    Tune into today's episode for a heart to heart with Bailey.
    Hear her struggles with body confidence over the last 2 years and how you, too, can overcome hiding behind your cover up and jump in the pool without thinking twice.

    Watch on YouTube for some pre- and post-color analysis photos. They're a littl embarassing but I'm sharing inthe name of science 😅

    💪Join Revamp C.A.M.P. today! https://www.bewellhwc.com/service-page/revamp-c-a-m-p?referral=service_list_widget
    💄Visit Victoria and have your colors done. If you make an appointment, make sure to mention my name so that you can be a referral VIP!
    Victoria's IG: https://www.instagram.com/houseofcolourcville/
    Book a color or style analysis now: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62f926db85187de9a5504349
    🎥YouTube watch link: https://youtu.be/Uodca5Grb5s
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    27 min
  • Ep. 35- The Lucky Charms "Food Pyramid" Explained
    Jan 20 2023
    Last week, Joe Rogan (a comedian) shared an Instagram post that enraged millions. I'm angry about it for a whole different reason.

    Today's episode dives into the science behind the viral "lucky charms food pyramid."

    I'm angry because what Joe shared was only partially true. It was missing a key piece of context. It invoked food fear over something that's not used in practice (and may never be.)

    I'm angry because nutrition professionals can't keep up with celebrities trying to gain popularity and sell meal plans or cook books or supplements.

    So let's talk about where that "food pyramid" came from, and what's really going on behind the scenes.

    Buckle up for this one, friend!

    You can share on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more.
    Please tag @bewellwithbaileyf when you share.
    Let the science win 🫶🏼

    Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025: https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/sites/default/files/2021-03/Dietary_Guidelines_for_Americans-2020-2025.pdf

    Backstory on what the Food Compass is, and who's behind it: https://www.nutritioninsight.com/news/food-compass-nutrient-profiling-system-targets-policymakers-and-industry-with-holistic-view-of-food-healthfulness.html

    Journal published 1/2023 on dangers of the Food Compass (original source of the viral photo): https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/eu578/

    Bailey's Instagram where you can share this episode directly: https://www.instagram.com/bewellwithbaileyf/
    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • Ep. 34- Hot Girl (or Guy) Intentions
    Jan 5 2023
    2023: The year of intentions, not resolutions.

    Join Bailey on today's episode to talk about how intentions are different than resolutions, how to increase your likelihood of achieving your goals by 76%, and get some good old fashioned encouragement and accountability.

    We also touch (very briefly) on the 75 Hard challenge and why it may not be a good fit for you. It's not all bad, but if you're looking to start something that you'll see results from in December...this is probably not that thing.

    Check out the first episode of 2023 on the Pursuit of Prevention Podcast now!
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    26 min
  • Ep. 33- 2022 in Review: Best of the Pursuit of Prevention Podcast
    Dec 29 2022
    Wow! What a year it's been!

    This episode is a mix of clips from some of the most loved episodes of 2022.

    This year we debuted season 2 of the Pursuit of Prevention Podcast, we hit 1000 downloads (the first small goal of many to come 😉), and we grew and changed a lot here at Be Well HWC.

    We are so grateful for you and excited for you to get even more out of the PoP podcast in 2023!

    Stay well and have a blessed transition into this new year.
    Love you- mean it!
    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Ep. 32- Your Genetic Fingerprint
    Dec 15 2022
    Did you know that NO ONE else in the WORLD is exactly like you?! You are as unique as a fingerprint.

    This is a discussion that will be continued and built upon for future episodes.
    But today's episode focuses in on how and why you ARE like a fingerprint, what that means for your health, and why this unique "fingerprint" requires more in-depth care than a low carb meal plan and a worldwide workout program to feel your best.

    If you need direction on the best steps to take for your health journey, reach out below:
    -Call or text 301.667.5005
    -Email bewellphc@gmail.com
    -DM us on instagram (https://www.instagram.com/bewellwithbaileyf/) or Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/bewellhwc/)
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    25 min
  • Ep. 31- How To: Prevent Insulin Resistance
    Nov 4 2022
    Chances are you've heard of pre diabetes and type 2 diabetes. But did you know there's typically a step BEFORE those diagnoses that, if prevented, reduces your risk of developing T2D even if you are genetically predisposed.

    Preventing insulin resistance is not only possible, but it is simple!
    There are a few steps you can start taking today to improve your energy, reduce blood sugar spikes and crashes, and set your body on a path to looking and feeling good.

    -Save time and see if Food Fights Diabetes℠ is a good fit for you. Text or call 3016675005, email bewellphc@gmail.com or visit https://www.bewellhwc.com/ffd
    -Follow Bailey on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bewellwithbaileyf/
    -Follow Dylan Murphy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dylanmurphy.rd/
    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Ep. 30- Ask the Nutritionist
    Sep 16 2022
    Answering your most frequently asked questions! We're going through credentials, trusting your provider, accountability (with a side of grace 😉), money back guarantees, and getting your results more quickly.

    Listen in if you've ever been afraid to or have doubted what a coach can do for you when it comes to your health goals.

    Ready to take control of your health and rewrite the legacy you leave your family?
    Food Fights℠ are OPEN for fall cohort and help you do just that!

    Find the Food Fight℠ that best suits your needs by taking the free FF℠ Fit Finder quiz: https://www.bewellhwc.com/foodfights

    Already know where you want to dive in? Sign up now!
    Food Fights Cancer℠- https://www.bewellhwc.com/ffc
    Food Fights Heart Disease℠- https://www.bewellhwc.com/ffhd
    Food Fights Diabetes℠- https://www.bewellhwc.com/ffd
    Food Fights Inflammation/Autoimmune℠: https://www.bewellhwc.com/ffi

    Connect with us! Email bewellphc@gmail.com OR message Bailey on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bewellwithbaileyf/
    We welcome ALL feedback and appreciate your reviews on Apple Podcasts! 💙
    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min