
  • As A Man Thinketh
    Sep 18 2024
    As a Man Thinketh is an essay by James Allen, originally self-published in 1903. The book explores the idea that a person's thoughts have a powerful influence on their circumstances and experiences in life. The central premise of the book is that our thoughts shape our character and determine the quality of our lives. Allen argues that by controlling our thoughts and focusing on positive, uplifting ideas, we can transform our lives and achieve success and happiness. The book also discusses the importance of taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions, and the role that self-discipline and determination play in achieving our goals. Born in England 1864, James Allens father was struggling in the textiles business, his father traveled to New York City to seek employment when Allen was 15 years old. Sadly, he was robbed and murdered just days after his arrival. Allen was forced to leave school and worked to help support the household. Holding onto the intelectual practice of reading and writing that his father instilled in him, Allen studied his fathers books on ethics, religion and philosophy during his lunch breaks and well into the evenings. Feeling stuck and without direction, he was striving to find purpose and meaning for life. In 1889, Allen found new employment outside of the factory working as a secretary and continued to contemplate the world religions and it became clear to him that the underlying message was self-development and inner refinement. He began writing his own thoughts and in 1903, Allen wrote As a Man Thinketh to encapsulate the idea that our thoughts are causative and that thought is the cause of oneself. The title may have been inspired by the proverb, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” James Allen writes from personal life experiences of mental building himself up and out of despair and the struggle he experienced as a youth. From the publication of this book forward he would publish a book a year until his death in 1912. This book would go on to inspire Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Marxus Garvey, and many others. By directing our thoughts toward greatness and achieving personal goals, he teaches that we don’t attract what we want so much as we attract what we are. As James Allen wrote himself, "This little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that “They themselves are makers of themselves” by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness."
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    50 min
    Aug 26 2023
    The most general definition of philosophy is that it is the pursuit of wisdom, truth, and knowledge.[1] Indeed, the word itself means ‘love of wisdom’ in Greek. Whenever people think about deep, fundamental questions concerning the nature of the universe and ourselves, the limits of human knowledge, their values and the meaning of life, they are thinking about philosophy. Philosophical thinking is found in all parts of the world, present, and past.[2] In the academic world, philosophy distinguishes a certain area of study from all other areas, such as the sciences and other humanities. Philosophers typically consider questions that are, in some sense, broader and/or more fundamental than other inquirers’ questions:[3] e.g., physicists ask what caused some event; philosophers ask whether causation even exists; historians study figures who fought for justice; philosophers ask what justice is or whether their causes were in fact just; economists study the allocation of capital; philosophers debate the ethical merits of capitalism. When a topic becomes amenable to rigorous, empirical study, it tends to be “outsourced” to its own field, and not described in the present day as “philosophy” anymore: e.g., the natural sciences were once called “natural philosophy,” but we don’t now just think about whether matter is composed of atoms or infinitely divisible: we use scientific experiments.[4] And most of the different doctoral degrees are called “Doctor of Philosophy” even when they’re in sociology or chemistry. Philosophical questions can’t be straightforwardly investigated through purely empirical means:[5] e.g., try to imagine a lab experiment testing whether societies should privilege equality over freedom—not whether people believe we should, but whether we actually should. What does moral importance look like in a microscope? The main method of academic philosophy is to construct and evaluate arguments (i.e., reasons intended to justify some conclusion). Such conclusions might be that some theory is true or false or might be about the correct analysis or definition of some concept. These arguments generally have at least some conceptual, intellectual, or a priori, i.e., non-empirical, content. And philosophers often incorporate relevant scientific knowledge as premises in arguments.[6]
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    1 h
    Feb 27 2023
    A Meditation Piece and a Very Very Relaxing 1 hour Experience made by me (Q.U.E.)
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    1 h
  • Reverse Scenescence By @kultshitpeace
    Feb 27 2023
    GO ON THE MOST AWESOMEST AUDIO JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME!!!!!! BEST USED AT NIGHT... CAN USE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME AS YOU PLEASE!!!! IN THE WORDS OF CYUHNIDE: Oh yup btw the whole audio goes in and out of 528 and 432 hz so it’s definitely gonna heal. Senescence is the deterioration of cells so putting it in 528 which is the rejuvenating and healing frequency is the reverse of that process.
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    1 h et 9 min
  • The Study of Rosicrucianism
    Nov 22 2022
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 50 min
  • Religious Magic & Esoteric Symbolism
    Nov 22 2022
    Become Enlightened
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 51 min
  • Light On Life's Difficulties
    Nov 22 2022
    By James Allen
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    2 h et 32 min
  • Mystery Of The Pineal Gland
    Nov 22 2022
    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 52 min