
    Apr 21 2022

    I’m the host. 

    Jeff Kafer is the guest. 

    That about covers it.

    Follow him on TikTok: @audiobookjeff

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • ITS ANN-dree-uh. NOT ahn-DRAY-uh. No, wait…
    Mar 31 2022

    From audiobooks to video games to prank calling retirement homes using her Grim Reaper voice, she does it all! Believe it or not, she might just be as “colorful” as I am. OK maybe not “AS colorful”; more like ALMOST as colorful. I’m very bright. I’m not saying she’s shades of grey and mottled puce or anything. She’s definitely got some greens and yellows and… I don’t know what the hell I’m saying anymore. 

    Join Andrea's Discord here: https://t.co/TnDqc5Oo1p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Enjoy My Wife
    Mar 10 2022

    Did you know that if I wasn’t a pathetic, unemployed, dropped out of college after six years as a sophomore loser who moved back into his parents house when he was 26-year old this episode would not have been possible?

    And did you know this episode also wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t take several pictures of myself to make it look like they were taken (by other people) at different happenin’ parties (yes wearing different clothes… duh) to use as my profile pics on match.com where I only had to look at two profiles before I saw who I thought was a girl I had a crush on 10 years earlier in high school? 

    And finally, did you know the scent of expressed canine anal glands would not make for a good cologne? 

    All true. I should say the first two are true whereas number three is really a personal preference. Anyway…

    Episode 8 with special guest: Wife!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • RAWdoggin' for Valentine's Day
    Feb 10 2022

    If you love doing the sexy as much as I did back when I could still get it up (sorry, honey) you’re going to love this very special edition of RAWdiobooks. Narrators TESS IRONDALE, REBECCA WOODS, and DANIEL WISNIEWSKI take us on a journey deep - so deep - into the world of narrating romance and harem audiobooks, along with the occasional jump over to erotica, where they get to some of the greatest descriptions of the female and male anatomy, and what to do with them, in history.

    If you’d like to get behind these narrators and support their work, do it here!

    Tess Irondale:


    Twitter: @tessirondale

    Daniel Wisniewski


    Twitter: @danthevoiceman3

    Instagram: danthevoiceman

    Rebecca Woods


    Instagram: @beccapeppermintz

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 4 min
  • Hold My Podcast
    Feb 3 2022

    The one and only CRAIG ALANSON channels his inner Marie Kondo to share his unique and half-hearted approach to decluttering and organizing garages, basements, and yes, even outhouses, of all sizes. The author of such titles as Expeditionary Force (and a couple others I didn’t narrate so nobody cares) explains how through basic lethargy, a significant amount of apathy, sporadic light work and even less determination, we can all attain his level of mediocrity. Not just in cleaning our garages. But in life as well. This, dear listeners, is my gift to you.

    Follow Craig at craigalanson.com, on Twitter and Instagram (@CraigAlanson) and on Facebook (@Craig.Alanson.Author). And if you’re just lookin' to swing backwards down Darwin’s timeline of human evolution to get straight to the business of being a stupid money, join the "Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson" fan page on Facebook. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • Great. This F*ckin’ Guy Again
    Jan 20 2022

    My guest this episode is none other than Jeremy Robinson, the self-made New York Times bestselling and #1 because of me Audible.com author of more than 70 novels and novellas spanning multiple genres, only some of which are pure crap.  He also writes comic books and writes "comic books” on rest stop bathroom stalls across New England.  He lovingly dedicates his appearance on RAWdiobooks to me.



    Want more Jeremy Robinson for some reason?  

    Get it here:  www.bewareofmonsters.com

    and here: www.facebook.com/JeremyRobinsonAuthor

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Episode V: The Catfish Strikes Back
    Jan 6 2022

    He held a top secret clearance from the USAF.  Hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.  Crossed England on foot via Hadrian’s Wall.  Swam from The Rock across the freezing, shark-infested waters of San Francisco Bay, and… became a father.  It’s all true (no, really!).  And his adventures have continued in his Click Your Poison (CYP) books.  Author James Schannep and I recorded this episode in October 2021 for the Ol’ Hallow’s Eve kickoff of our new audio gamebook app based on his first CYP book, INFECTED, developed by the incomparable Cubus Games.


    Decision time...

    - Follow James on FB & T @jamesschannep and @clickyourpoison or at jamesschannep.com and clickyourpoison.com

    - Follow Cubus Games on FB & T @cubusgames or at cubusgames.com

    - Follow James and Cubus at all of the above (Hint: it’s this one)


    See the INFECTED trailer here:  https://bit.ly/3yOmWbJ

    Buy the INFECTED app here:

    iOS: https://apple.co/3EiADB4

    Android:  https://tinyurl.com/5a3wcakw

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Houston, You Have a Problem
    Dec 23 2021

    He used to fly Apache attack helicopters in combat.  Now, he wears the tightest package pants possible for no reason whatsoever.  Texan Man-whore and award winning Apocalyptic Sci-Fi author of the Dimension Space and Multiverse Space series, Dean M. Cole, accosts me on this week’s episode of RAWdiobooks.

    Connect with Dean at: https://www.deanmcole.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min