Auteur(s): Daniel Chen Sean Peng Kai Lin
  • Résumé

  • REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE! The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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  • 宵夜吃成早餐? 直男什麼都能忍?! | RF84
    Feb 11 2025
    ✨別再忍了,我們一起玩 Goodnight: 相信大家看到這個充滿流量密碼的錄音室就知道這集要感謝誰吧,沒錯今天又是托了 Goodnight 的福!來到這裡就是直男大談感情的時刻,來聊聊對於另一半的行為容忍,究竟另一半跟異性相處哪些行為 OK 哪些行為真的打妹?主要分三大類: 1. 訊息 2. 身體接觸 3. 活動。從靜態的「訊息」開始,有各種不同的問候像是「在幹嘛」、「吃飯沒」、一直到「我想你」等等來討論一下各自的接受度。「身體接觸」這部分就有很大的討論空間了,到底摸到甚麼程度才叫越界?「活動」層面就看我們能不能接受女朋友單獨跟其他男生出去玩了,究竟為何陽明山不行淡水可以? 最後,總不能都是直男們自己說,馬上進入 Goodnight 聽 R F粉絲們談談他們的感情問題! Thanks to Goodnight, the boys are revealing it all in this episode! They break down what they can and can’t accept in a relationship, splitting it into three categories: text messages, physical contact, and activities. For texts, they debate their tolerance levels, with “I miss you” being the final straw. When it comes to physical contact, they get into the details of what crosses the line. And for activities, they reveal whether they’d be okay with their girlfriends traveling alone with another guy. In the end, they hop onto Goodnight LIVE to hear fans vent about their relationship struggles! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 02:13 你還有三天可以去玩 Goodnight! 04:18 另一半行為容忍 05:09「妳在幹嘛?」 09:25「妳吃飯了嗎?」「關你屁事!」 11:52 你幹嘛跟我女朋友說早安?! 13:17「妳睡了嗎?」 15:20 這真的不行啦 19:30 女友給抱嗎? 23:18 我女友的手不是給你牽的!! 28:39 不要在那邊亂摸… 35:18 你們為什麼一定要一起吃? 39:30 女友跟異性朋友出去玩?! 43:47 吃他的東西? 48:56 RF x GN 聽眾 Call in: 妳已經盡力了 58:52 RF x GN 聽眾 Call in: 我喜歡妳主動 1:07:17 RF x GN 聽眾 Call in: 魚要找對形狀 #podcast #感情 #goodnight -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 h et 20 min
  • Threads 調查局: 我的前女友,你值得擁有?! | RF83
    Feb 4 2025
    引頸期盼眾望所歸、停更已久的系列 (明明才出一集),叱吒風雲的 Threads 調查局第二彈登場!但這次學乖了把火力集中在同一類的脆文上,這次的主題,我們收集了 Threads 上網友們覺得超怪乃至於無法理解的事情,像是感情觀、怪癖、甚至怪味都可以聊!「跟前任當好朋友很怪嗎?一定得當最熟悉的陌生人嗎?把你的前任變成我的現任你 OK 吧?」 這些都還算是正常的討論,到後面甚至聊起如何交到超級怪但不算真的怪的另一半、有無見過戴口罩親親的防疫小天使、用第三人稱自稱的朋友們等等。趕緊來聽聽這超怪的一集,也歡迎在下方留言仍令你百思不得其解的行為! The boys are back with another episode of Threads Investigation Bureau! This time, they dive into life’s weirdest and most unexplainable things—relationships, strange habits, and even bizarre smells. They break down how they see their exes and whether they’d ever date each other’s exes. But things get even weirder as they discuss dating someone super weird, people who kiss with masks on, and those who refer to themselves in the third person. Join this episode to see how the boys tackle these strange situations! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 00:00 INTRO 02:27 你會跟前任做朋友嗎? 10:06 前任上來節目?! 14:19 戴口罩親親 16:39 男生都吵完架隔天就和好如初? 21:41 我喜歡你很怪的怪 27:52 到底怎麼跟暈船對象開話題? 31:48 「一個人不是孤獨,無法獨處才是」 37:38 半夜一個人去散步超舒服 41:32 第三人稱稱呼自己 44:45 你有辦法跟好朋友的前任在一起嗎? 49:57 怪味我超愛 53:10 你為什麼一上班就可以這麼多話!! 56:16 不敢拒絕推銷電話 1:02:51 ENDING #podcast #threads 調查局 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    1 h et 4 min
  • 新年不穿新衣,我們來殘酷二選一! | RF82
    Jan 28 2025
    大夥兒新年快樂蛇年吉祥🧧今天這集身為除夕夜特別節目,主題就來個輕鬆愉快的殘酷二選一配年夜飯吧 🫶🏼 一樣什麼都聊什麼都不奇怪!寧願每天聽別人炫耀還是每天聽別人抱怨? 寧願被秒讀秒回但敷衍還是間隔超長但超細心回覆? 除了稀鬆平常的殘酷二選一之外,我們也玩了再適合台灣人不過的網路小遊戲—「諧音梗二選一」!過年人團圓 ❤️ 趕緊拉著身邊的爺爺奶奶爸爸媽媽表兄弟堂姐妹一起觀賞這集 🧨 HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! In this laid-back episode, the boys tackle a series of “would you rather” questions, covering everything from being surrounded by constant braggers vs. complainers to quick but half-hearted replies vs. late, detailed ones. They also dive into an internet quiz to find the best homophone store names in Taiwan! Join the boys for some lighthearted fun and good company this CNY! WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► ADD US ON: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: ALSO LISTEN ON: SPOTIFY: APPLE: KKBOX: 📩 合作邀約請來信: Timestamps: 00:00 INTRO 02:01 被愛炫耀的人包圍 vs. 被愛抱怨的人包圍 10:24 永遠離開你的祖國 vs. 永遠不能離開你的祖國 17:05 搬到新的國家好難哦… 20:35 秒回但敷衍 vs. 晚回但一條一條 24:43 維持友誼的方法! 26:35 車廂塞滿小孩 vs. 車廂塞滿老人 33:05 台灣招牌諧音梗二選一! 43:33 為你最愛的人扛罪 vs. 你最愛的人為你扛罪 46:26 ENDING #podcast #直男 #殘酷二選一 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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    48 min

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