In this explosive episode, Melissa Eberling, A Warrior Within Us Project, blows the whistle on the heartbreaking atrocious conditions at the Red Onion State Prison in Virginia. This alarming true story unveils the horrible conditions prisoners endure. The current corrupt D.O.C. slavery and exploitation scheme imposed upon our troubled sons and daughters is appalling. Prisoners are suffering human rights violations that will traumatize them for life. In a prosperous civilized Nation such as the U.S. it should be a Crime Against Humanity to impose cruel prison conditions on our fellow Americans. At Red Onion State Prison the depravity is on full display. Voiceless prisoners are systemically tortured with long solitary confinement stints. While the prison mainline is deprived of scarce resources which inevitably leads to prisoner on prisoner violence. The Guards are trained to treat our countrymen brutally as animals. Imbuing deep prejudices in the Guards to ensure they treat prisoners horribly. Listen in to this remarkable episode!
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