Story and Art by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
We should never laugh or make fun of other people. Shenart knew this, but he did not give a rat’s behind. He made fun of Rabbit Man. Rabbit was born from a curse. He looked like a rabbit and was sort of deformed. Rabbit passed by my house every evening and Shenart knew when. He waited for Rabbit as he sat on my front porch.
Shenart: Yo, Rabbit! Look at those ears. They are mighty long. Your ears are so long, I bet you drag and trip over them trying to get in your front door. Need some help with them? I’ll get you a jack lift for them for Christmas.
Rabbit Man: Shen, I know you ain’t tryin’ to joke. You don’t look no better than I do. Your lips are so big, if you said boo, it looks like it would pop you in the forehead. Gonna buy you a muzzle for Christmas. Shenart got angry when Rabbit lashed back at him. He could give a joke, but he couldn’t take a joke. Shenart began to throw rocks at Rabbit.
Shenart: Get away from here man. Don’t want to see you in this neighborhood again. Shenart was a bad influence on the children in the neighborhood when it came to Rabbit man. The children ran after him and made fun of him too. I felt that was the time to step in and put a stop to it.
Gail: Shenart! Leave that man alone! You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves picking on that poor helpless man. When the children’s parents saw me yelling, they decided to call their children in the house. The parents laughed and picked at Rabbit Man too. They were no better than their children.
Gail: Shenart! Get in this house right now!
When I told Shenart the story about how Rabbit Man’s mother was mistreated in life and how she was cursed giving birth to him, Shenart cried. What Shenart did to Rabbit Man changed his life forever. Rabbit Man never showed his face in the day time again. He just wanted to hide himself from the world. Shenart was sad and tried to find him to apologize, but he could not find him.
You're listening to Shenart the Kangaroo. Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
Story and Art first published in 2013