
  • Here's what happens to Women Who Speak About Their Domestic Abuse Experiences- Attacked and retraumatised by family and friends
    Jan 11 2023

    Women Who Speak About The Domestic Abuse Experiences are often attacked and retraumatised by family and friends..... Thus victimising the victim and protecting the perpetrator. But we are calling women to be brave and speak up and out - that's the only way to Break The Cycle of abuse and trauma.

    At RECLAIMYOU www.raisingremarkableteenagers.com/reclaimyou Meet a community of women who have experienced abuse and are RECLAIMING THEMSELVES from the trauma of the initial abuse, societal attack - which has left them STUCK, with low self esteem, emotionally even physically wounded, affects them as mothers and their relationship with their kids too.

    These women join RECLAIMYOU so they can heal, shine and thrive and fulfil your destiny.

    Contact angie@raisingremarkbleteenagers.com


    Voir plus Voir moins
    5 min
  • Help Your Teen Have Mental Edge so they can thrive in the face of difficulties with Kenbaum & Angela Karanja
    Jan 10 2023

    A Mental Edge is always as a result of kids being authentic. So how can you help your teen gain this mental edge and defeat difficulties such as bullying, feelings of inadequacy? This conversation shows you how to help your teen gain that mental edge so they can thrive in the face of difficulties with Kenbaum & Angela Karanja

    Contact Kenbaum at kenbaummentaledge@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 5 min
  • Courageous Conversations that connect us with our teenagers. - with Angela Karanja & Elizabeth Bennet
    Nov 29 2022

    Courageous Conversations that connect us with our teenagers. - with Angela Karanja & Elizabeth Bennet


    Voir plus Voir moins
    58 min
  • How to effectively communicate clearly and intentionally with Lenora Edwards & Angela Karanja
    Oct 26 2022

    Speech Language Pathologist Lenora Edwards discusses with Adolescent Psychologist Angela Karanja ways to effectively communicate clearly and intentionally and how we can help if more care and service is needed.

    Find out how broken lines of communication can become effective and clear when the right tools are applied.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    53 min
  • Your Mental Health is a personal responsibility and we all can take our own power back by learning this 3 A process .
    Oct 26 2022

    Psychologist Angela Karanja explains Mental Health is a personal responsibility and we all can take our own power back by learning this 3 A process to keep us mentally well and avoid dropping into the doldrums of depression.

    Often times we tiptoe round the subject and therefore fail to acquire skills and the shift needed to hold us accountable for our mental wellness.

    For your psychological wellbeing, Let's connect for a chat.


    WhatsApp me here 07385 915862

    Voir plus Voir moins
    44 min
  • Help Your Teen Brave a Scary World - with adolescent psychologist and parenting teenagers' expert Angela Karanja
    Sep 9 2022

    A Power packed conversation between Allison Michelle & Angela Karanja

    Research behind global exposure in teens ---- Do you know how your teen is being affected by the events of the world today?

    Helping teens talk about how they feel about world events ----Would you know how to help them process because if they don't that's how we raise mentally unwell young people.

    Strategies for raising teens successfully when they are affected by global problems --- How can we ensure our teenagers come out triumphantly regardless of the negative events happening around them?

    As a parent you are a leader and leaders are learners!

    Follow This link for more bonuses.


    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • The importance of connecting with your teenager. A discussion with Elise Knox & Psychologist Angela Karanja.
    Aug 3 2022

    Elise Knox & Psychologist Angela Karanja in conversation about the importance of being connected with our teenagers. So so important.

    Elise believes "The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself."

    Elise is a life and wellness coach, yoga teacher, and former middle school teacher who works with moms and teens. She is fascinated by brain development and the nervous system and believes that understanding these two things can make teen years so much easier for mamas and teens.

    Connect with Elise here Elise Knox | Connection Coach

    Connect with Angela Karanja here https://www.raisingremarkableteenagers.com

    Connection is so important that when it is lacking our teenagers are vulnerable to exploitation.

    GRAB the SMUGGLED BOOK HERE https://www.raisingremarkableteenagers.com/smuggled

    SMUGGLED | A Book Highlighting Child Trafficking | By Angela Karanja | Raising Remarkable Teenagers

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • The 3 fundamentals Cs of parenting Successfully with Dr Rees & Psychologist Angela Karanja
    Jul 26 2022

    The 3 fundamentals Cs of parenting Successfully with Dr Rees & Psychologist Angela Karanja.

    Dr Rees explains a fundamental, productive method to communicate with kids and parent successfully.

    Contact Brian Rees PhD, LPC – tween/adolescent/young adult therapist (drbrianrees.com)

    Contact Angela Karanja Here Raising Remarkable Teenagers


    Voir plus Voir moins
    54 min