Real Estate Tax Relief- Here are some of the proposals- A discussion with Maurice Thompson and Greg Lawson
Real Estate Tax Reform will be an issue that OCA will work on in 2025 with citizens groups across Ohio. Inflation and the cost of living are bearing down on our seniors, those on fixed incomes, and young families as they struggle to pay for the essentials. The increased real estate tax assessments of the last year have grown between 20% and 30% for most Ohioans. This not only affects homeowners, but rents increase when real estate taxes go up; everyone is affected. And the caps on increases that we seek will benefit everyone.
We will have a 3-pronged approach to the issue: Urging the General Assembly to act to put meaningful real estate tax reform in the budget, working with local officials to enact a self-imposed cap- giving relief to residents, and organizing for a ballot issue if local officials and legislators fail to act. In this episode, Maurice Thompson discusses a 3% annual cap on real estate tax as an amendment to the Constitution. This is a long-term solution to Ohio's over-tax problem