1 Corinthians 5:7-8 in the eyes of 2 Corinthians 5:17
You are a new creation in Christ and when you choose God’s will over your own; you are allowing God to take full control over your life. When you surrender your will for God’s will; you will begin to feel like you are losing but you are actually gaining in the end. Because you have now birth a version of yourself that is full of joy, peace, contentment, boldness and reliance on God. Now, in order to become the person Yahweh (God in Hebrew) has called you to be. You have to be purged and prune of the leaven (evil or wickedness) that caused you to operate in the old version of yourself. As a result, this episode addresses what the leaven is and what the process of the season of purge may look like. The process of purging and pruning does not feel good but it is for your good. The purpose that Yahweh was to reveal to you is on the otherside of the purge and pruning. You have to yield to it. I hope you enjoy the first episode of Season 2!
Speak His Word Over Your Like:
(Say it as many times as you need to)
I will allow the Holy Spirit to purge me of the leaven, so I can be all that He predestined me to be.