• Rekindling Family Ties at Banjarmasin's Floating Market

  • Jan 7 2025
  • Durée: 19 min
  • Podcast

Rekindling Family Ties at Banjarmasin's Floating Market

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rekindling Family Ties at Banjarmasin's Floating Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2025-01-07-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di tengah hujan rintik-rintik, Pasar Terapung Banjarmasin tetap hidup dengan kegiatan.En: In the midst of drizzling rain, the Pasar Terapung Banjarmasin remained bustling with activity.Id: Perahu-perahu penuh dengan buah-buahan segar dan barang-barang kerajinan terapung perlahan di sungai yang keruh.En: Boats laden with fresh fruits and handicrafts floated gently on the murky river.Id: Penjual-penjual sibuk memanggil calon pembeli, memastikan suara mereka terdengar di antara suara hujan yang jatuh ke air.En: Sellers were busy calling out to potential buyers, ensuring their voices were heard amidst the sound of rain falling on water.Id: Budi berdiri di pinggir pasar, gugup.En: Budi stood at the edge of the market, nervous.Id: Dia datang ke sini untuk menemui Rina, adik yang sudah lama tidak ditemuinya.En: He had come here to meet Rina, the sister he hadn't seen in a long time.Id: Mereka terpisah karena salah paham bertahun-tahun lalu.En: They had been separated due to a misunderstanding years ago.Id: Hari ini, Budi bertekad untuk menyambung kembali hubungan yang telah putus.En: Today, Budi was determined to mend the broken relationship.Id: Di tangannya, dia memegang sebuah boneka kayu kecil—hadiah kenangan masa kecil mereka.En: In his hand, he held a small wooden doll—a token of their childhood.Id: Rina bekerja di salah satu perahu, menjual buah-buahan segar.En: Rina worked on one of the boats, selling fresh fruits.Id: Ketika Budi mendekati perahu itu, dia melihat wajah adiknya.En: As Budi approached the boat, he saw his sister's face.Id: Wajah yang penuh hati-hati dan skeptis.En: A face full of caution and skepticism.Id: "Rina," panggil Budi pelan, hampir tidak terdengar di tengah hiruk-pikuk pasar.En: "Rina," called Budi softly, almost drowned out by the bustling market.Id: Rina melihatnya sejenak, matanya menunjukkan rasa terkejut dan sedikit keraguan.En: Rina looked at him briefly, her eyes showing surprise and a bit of hesitation.Id: “Budi?En: "Budi?Id: Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?En: What are you doing here?"Id: ” tanya Rina, tidak menyembunyikan rasa tidak percayanya.En: asked Rina, not hiding her disbelief.Id: “Aku ingin bicara,” kata Budi, sambil menyerahkan boneka kayu itu.En: "I want to talk," said Budi, handing over the wooden doll.Id: “Aku ingin minta maaf.En: "I want to apologize.Id: Aku ingin kita seperti dulu lagi.En: I want us to be like we used to be."Id: ”Sebelum Rina bisa menjawab, hujan tiba-tiba turun dengan deras, memaksa mereka berlindung di bawah tenda sebuah kios yang ada di dekat situ.En: Before Rina could respond, the rain suddenly poured down heavily, forcing them to take shelter under the awning of a nearby stall.Id: Di bawah naungan tenda yang sempit, suasana menjadi lebih personal.En: Under the narrow tent, the atmosphere became more personal.Id: Dengan suara hujan sebagai latar belakang, Budi akhirnya menceritakan perasaannya, menjelaskan semua kesalahpahaman yang terjadi selama bertahun-tahun.En: With the rain as background noise, Budi finally expressed his feelings, explaining all the misunderstandings that happened over the years.Id: Rina mendengarkan dengan hati-hati, walau sesekali dia terlihat ragu, seolah masih enggan untuk percaya sepenuhnya.En: Rina listened carefully, although occasionally she appeared doubtful, as if still reluctant to fully believe.Id: “Aku terluka saat itu, Budi,” katanya pelan.En: "I was hurt back then, Budi," she said softly.Id: “Aku tidak tahu apakah aku bisa mempercayaimu lagi.En: "I don't know if I can trust you again."Id: ”“Aku mengerti,” balas Budi dengan tenang.En: "I understand," replied Budi calmly.Id: “Aku sudah banyak berpikir.En: "I've thought a lot.Id: Aku harap, meskipun perlahan, kita bisa memperbaiki semua ini.En: I hope, even if gradually, we can fix all this."Id: ”Hujan mulai mereda, tetapi percakapan mereka tidak.En: The rain began to subside, but their conversation did not.Id: Di bawah tenda, mereka mulai saling bercerita, mencoba memahami sudut pandang masing-masing.En: Under the tent, they started to share with each other, trying to understand each other's perspectives.Id: Rina mulai membuka diri, matanya menunjukkan kilau harapan baru.En: Rina began to open up, her eyes showing a glimmer of new hope.Id: Kesadaran tumbuh dalam diri Budi—ia harus lebih peka terhadap perasaan Rina.En: A realization grew within Budi—he needed to be more sensitive to Rina's feelings.Id: Perlahan tapi pasti, tembok di antara mereka mulai runtuh.En: Slowly but surely, the wall between them started to crumble.Id: Ketika langit cerah kembali, Budi dan Rina keluar dari bawah tenda, merasa lebih ringan dari sebelumnya.En: As the sky cleared again, Budi and Rina emerged from beneath the tent, ...
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