Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us! Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Andre's wheeling and dealings over at: Twitter @thatcanadaguy Instagram @thatcanadadude Video game movies may be the talk of Hollywood these days, but back in the 90's and early 2000's, the bar was much lower. Enter 2002's Resident Evil, which by the era's standards really wasn't...bad....? I struggle with this one because I like the movie enough, but they really went off the beaten Resident Evil path. The mansion and Umbrella are there, but everything else is pretty new. Including the main protagonist, Alice. The new stuff isn't "bad", it's just not what you'd expect. The laser room scene is pretty dope, too. My guest this week is Remember The Game's resident "evil", my pal Andre. We're both kinda torn on this movie, because like it, but we know it's not really that good. Kinda how I'd describe this podcast, frankly. And before we get evil, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks if I'd ever consider doing a'PG' episode of the show? Why do I hate Disney? And what makes a scary video game a GOOD scary video game? Plus we play a round of 'Watch One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 horror gaming flicks: Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, and Silent Hill. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit