Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are more than buzzwords—they’re at the heart of today’s cultural and political conversations. In a time when these topics spark both progress and polarization, it’s a conversation well worth elevating, especially for parents striving to shape the next generation. For parents who feel uncertainty around how to instill these values in your children, we've got your back. In this Rewind episode, Jermaine Moore, founder of the Mars Hill Group—a training, development, and consulting firm specializing in leadership and DEI—joins us. As a father of four, Jermaine brings not just professional expertise but also personal experience to the table. Together, we explore how to raise empathetic kids in a world that sometimes resists change.
Jermaine is Co-Founder of the Mars Hill Group, a New England-based consulting firm which specializes in leadership training, workplace culture, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Jermaine is a father of four children who are currently scattered across the world, and he shares candidly about what led him to this line of work, why it's so important and valuable, and how we as parents can actively exercise it and celebrate it within our families in order to raise empathetic kids. The conversation covers topics including:
• What is DEI? Jermaine defines diversity, equity, and inclusion
• WHY Jermaine is passionate about DEI work
• DEI Misconceptions
• Diversity in NON-diverse areas
• The importance of exposure and representation
• "More is caught than taught" - Modeling behavior for our kids
• Allyship and how to be a true ally
Jermaine Moore (LinkedIn)
Mars Hill Group
McKinsey: Diversity Wins / How Inclusion Matters
eXtension Foundation: What Is DEI
Forbes: 15 Key Benefits of DEI
Dr. Joy Degruy: A Trip To The Grocery Store
Jermaine Moore Presentation at Creative Mornings
Caspar Babypants
Spencer Albee
Modern Dadhood (website)
Stuffed Animal (Marc's kids' music)
MD (Instagram)
MD (Facebook)
MD (YouTube)
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