It's so cool to see a past podcast guest, IFBB Pro competitor level up and achieve their dreams. Well, Rhyan did it right before our eyes with hard work and 100% dedication to his dream of competing on the Mr. Olympia stage. Rhyan talks about is journey and his introspection into his true level of commitment to being one of the best in the world. Mr. Olympia, Men's Physique has only been part of the BIG SHOW since 2013, so making it to the Olympia stage in this division puts him in the top 1 or 2 % physiques in the world. That’s right, in the 10 years this division has been around only approximately 500 other humans have donned the stage in this division, which is a huge accomplishment, but Rhyan is not done. He has realistic goals for his first time in the show, but he believes he will be back again and again and his time will come. Get ready to get inspired and to maybe moved to check yourself on the efforts you put into the goals in your life.