
  • Season 2 - Preparing the Forge
    Dec 23 2024

    Before we dive into reforging our opinions on S2, we check-in quickly to see how we *think* we feel about the last eight episodes after a few months to absorb. We look back on our episodes rankings and top 5 favourite characters from S1, and consider how we feel about our choices now.

    Then, we apply the same treatment to S2. What was our least favourite episode of the season? Our favourite? Who missed out on our top 5 characters of S2 list? And which choice does Natalie fear will make people send hate mail?

    We do want to apologise for some dodgy audio at times. We actually lost the recordings for this one, and were devastated thinking we'd need to rerecord. By some miracle, Pau recovered one file, but without separate audio (don't worry if you have no idea why that matters). This meant we weren't able to remove much of the background noise! It's not too bad, but we wanted to apologise anyway.

    Please do let us know your episode rankings, top characters of S2, and any special episode topics you'd like to see us cover.

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    51 min
  • Adar - Reforged (Special Guest - Rotem Rusak)
    Oct 29 2024

    We welcome special guest, Rotem Rusak (Editor in Chief at Nerdist) to reforge our opinions on everybody's favourite anti-hero (or hero-hero), Adar.

    From Joseph Mawle to Sam Hazeldine, from unknown villain to tortured father. We've all been on a journey with this character, and it's a journey that has (in the show, at least) come to an end. So what better time to reflect?

    We talk with Rotem, resident Adar expert, about her anticipation for TROP before Adar was a known entity, her fears over the recast, and the highs and lows of the character.

    Then we all return to a the Hall of Lore to choose our favourite Adar quote, musical moment, scene and...Adar's personal MVP.

    It was an absolute pleasure chatting with Rotem, and you can find her here: @Moondancer1626

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 3 min
  • Shadow and Flame - First Thoughts
    Oct 5 2024

    Well, we are ALL IN OUR FEELINGS after an incredible finale...which hurt us in many ways. We did have some criticisms, and decided to tackle those first before ending on a high. So, if you want to jump around, timestamps follow!

    We start with our thoughts on the big Sauron and Galadriel scene (00:04:09) before concluding that much of our anxiety over how this was handled is to do with our disappointment over Galadriel's place in the show and her character arc (00:26:37). Our critique carries through as we talk through everything Rhun (00:43:32).

    Our positivity bursts back into being, possibly surprisingly, when we get to Pelargir (00:49:51) and then Numenor (01:00:05). We get emotional over Durin III (01:10:30) and then tackle all the 'little elfy bits' (01:15:19). Finally, we discuss Adar with a slice of mental health + fandom (01:24:48) before finishing with our farewell to Celebrimbor (01:35:55).

    We're aware that we started running out of time at the end, but if you're disappointed that we skipped any details...THE REFORGING IS COMING. Keep an eye on our socials, and we'll be back soon. Thank you all for coming on this ride with us.

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 48 min
  • Doomed to Die - First Thoughts
    Sep 30 2024

    This week, we learned how hard it is to discuss an episode the day after - especially one as good as this - because, coherent thoughts how? Doomed to Die was spectacular, and we are flailing.

    We kick off with Kissgate (00:03:38) so if you're tired of talking about it by now, you can jump ahead. From there, we're a little bit all over the place, so timestamps were difficult, but it goes something like this...

    We love on Celebrimbor breaking free and being a badass (00:21:27) before a quick talk on death and Mirdania (00:28:58). We then talk about the incredible scene with Brimby and Galadriel (00:34:54) before a quick dip into ARONDIR IS ALIVE (00:40:51). We then ask WILL HE COME and cry a bit (00:43:03) before discussing our guy Adar (00:47:59). Finally, we wrap up some bits and bobs (00:50:04) before tackling deathwatch and some finale speculation (00:56:40).

    Friends. We are mere days away. *deep breaths* *SCREAMS*

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 21 min
  • Where Is He? - First Thoughts
    Sep 24 2024

    This week, we take a slightly different approach because we're already so close to the next episode, picking THREE topics each to surprise the other with. There was a little bit of crossover, but we still managed to cover a good chunk of WHERE IS HE?

    After introductions, we kick off with thoughts on Earien (00:02:47), how she's being presented on the show, and her relationship with Elendil. We then jump to discussing Durin's grief (00:16:22) before pivoting to love for Disa (00:20:23) and...well...fear for Disa.

    Next, we appreciate the Adar/Galadriel scenes (00:25:41) before diving specifically into the fun framing of Adar/Sauron against Sauron/Galadriel (00:41:23). Then we ponder Annatar's illusion (00:48:18) and go on a tirade about why it's important for evil to be nuanced in fiction (00:55:08).

    Finally, we wrap up with DEATHWATCH (01:00:59). This isn't spoiler based, but if you want to avoid speculation, maybe skip this bit and come back to join us after episode 7!

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 13 min
  • Halls of Stone - First Thoughts
    Sep 14 2024

    Surprise! It turns out that a combination of an incredible episode and the two of us (sort of) having a free morning means...podcast time (small note: we did have some issues with Paulina's audio, but we think we fixed it up well enough)!

    Episode 5 of season 2 was incredible, and we simply couldn't resist hopping on to give our quick thoughts. Unsurprisingly, those thoughts weren't actually quick...

    We kick off with our overall emotions (00:01:00) then head over to Numenor (00:05:00) where we say goodbye AGAINST OUR WILL (00:25:00). We swing back to the Durins and Disa (00:37:00) for a sample of dread before devouring an entire meal of it with Celebrimbor + Annatar (00:49:00). After we talk Silvergifting, we of course have a Haladriel meltdown and Natalie goes on a passionate rant defending 'dark ships' (01:02:00) before we consider Mirdania's role in the narrative (01:17:00). And then we wrap up with a few bits and bobs (01.25.00) before we sink back into a meditative state.


    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 32 min
  • Season 2 - First Half Reactions
    Sep 11 2024

    Turns out...we're still obsessed with this show!

    Join us as we take a 'quick' look back at the first four episodes of season 2, and share our thoughts so far. We took no notes, we were supposed to keep it short, but of course we had SO MUCH TO SAY.

    Featuring discussions about how much Gal misses her friend Hal, how Charlie Vickers is a superstar, how Berek is the secret MVP of the season, AND a new recurring topic: DEATH WATCH.

    We're so sad to already be halfway through, but we can't wait to see what comes next.

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 28 min
  • Alloyed Part II - Reforged
    Jun 12 2024

    We are back to REFORGE our opinions on Alloyed (Part II) - the season one finale of The Rings of Power.

    This time we cover all things Eregion, which means we dig into the end of Hal&Gal, the rise of the Dark Lord, and enjoy our little sliver of Detective Elrond. We spend a lot of time just reading the script for this one because it's So. Good. And then we dive back into the final Hall of Lore to highlight some particular favourites!

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Twitter - @RingsReforged

    Instagram - @ringsreforged

    Tumblr - @ringsreforged

    Natalie - @Natalie_Crown

    Paulina - @SapphiresOfWest

    Or you can email us at ringsreforged@gmail.com

    Music by Pulsar_Sound. Cover art by nicatshah.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 30 min