
  • Life Beyond Borders at EY London
    Nov 4 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami explains the real meaning of 'Life Beyond Borders'.

    Radhanath Swami gives us an insight into the festival of Divali and the example of his spiritual master, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, who went through many trials and tribulations to give the greatest gift to the world.

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    40 min
  • Being a True Friend
    Oct 21 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami explains what it means to be a true and loving friend.

    There are many ways we consider someone our friend and ourselves a friend to others. However, when all external aspects are removed, what is the real essence of friendship? Radhanath Swami explains friendship on a spiritual level where we extend our love and helping hand to all living beings.

    When we are able to feel the success of others, as well as the pain, we are closer to becoming a true friend where Divinity remains in the centre.

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    26 min
  • Finding Hope In Turbulent Times
    Oct 14 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami shows us how we can find hope in turbulent times.

    Throughout history, we have witnessed many wars, countries facing famine, pandemics, poverty etc. however the ancient scriptures give us light in how we can find hope during these struggles and view the world through a spiritual lens.

    When we work on our inner world, we will see tremendous change in the outer world, bringing everyone closer to the ultimate goal of divine love, that will help us overcome challenges.

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    32 min
  • Spiritual Approach to Conflict Resolution at Google
    Oct 7 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami gives us a spiritual approach to conflict resolution.

    Through childhood stories, memorable lessons and realised wisdom, Radhanath Swami shares with us the nature of balanced relationships and how to overcome negative qualities that cause conflict.

    When we look towards and live by spiritual values, we are able to create profound and long-lasting loving relationships.

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    23 min
  • Managing The Mind
    Sep 16 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami expresses the nature of the mind and how an unsteady mind affects the relationship we have with ourselves, others and the Supreme Lord.

    The scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita, give us a direct insight into the mind and how we have the ability to control the mind, making it our best friend, or failing to do so can lead it to become our worst enemy.

    The more we invest ourselves into consistent spiritual practice, the greater hope we have to control the mind and bring about a blissful life.

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    48 min
  • The Currency of Relationships at Google
    Sep 9 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami expresses that real wealth is the profound connection we have within our relationships.

    The ancient wisdom texts enlighten us about the power of association and the effects of opening our hearts to those who wish well upon us.

    Ultimately, the more we grow our love for the God, the more love we give and receive from others.

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    35 min
  • Only Love Can Give Pleasure to the Heart at The University of Texas, Dallas
    Jul 8 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami expresses the deep longings of the heart and what actions we can take to become fulfilled in life.

    The Bhagavad Gita teaches us that our bodies are a vehicle by which we perceive this world but who we really are, is a spiritual being who's real pleasure is to love and be loved.

    To genuinely enlighten other person, we have to connect to the grace of God and when we are in a deep loving relationship with the Divine then we can create a long lasting impact.

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    1 h et 9 min
  • Radhanath Swami Addresses The House of Commons UK
    Jul 1 2023

    In this episode of 'Rise', Radhanath Swami addresses The House of Commons of the Parliament of the UK.

    Radhanath Swami goes through his experiences of travelling the world and witnessing so much greed, envy and pride that tears down nations. He explains how spiritual qualities, if practiced to be the foundation of every leader, would make the world a better and more harmonious place to live in.

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    1 h et 12 min