Robinhood aims to make investing friendly, approachable, and understandable for newcomers and experts alike.
Although trading is free for the user, Robinhood makes a small amount of money for every single trade made on the app. The more you trade, the more money they make.
So is making investing free through an app the same as democratization?
Show Notes
- Read Devin Mills’ paper assessing the association between trading cryptocurrency and problem gambling.
- Haley Sacks has a 'wealth’ of free resources and investing courses on Finance is Cool.
- Learn more about investing with Charles Rotblut’s book: Better Good than Lucky.
- Special thanks to James Royal for his contribution to this episode.
This episode uses the following tracks from FMA under a Creative Commons Attribution License: “Assignment” by BoxCat Games, “Day Bird” and “Calm The Fuck Down” by Broke For Free, “Another beep beek beer please” by Rolemusic, “Feels Good 2 B” and “Fat Caps” by Jason Shaw.
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