
  • Betrayals In Films
    Feb 16 2025

    There is nothing worse in this world then trusting someone, just for them to stab you in the back. This can be a great plot point in films though, when the people you trust turn on you in the most cinematic ways. As always we would love to know your thoughts on this and listen in as we scream "et tu brute?" with some of the best betrayals in films.

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    25 min
  • Review: Cruella
    Feb 13 2025

    Looking for a devilishly good time with a boss bitch who gets what she wants? Well look no further than a story about Estella, an orphan fashion designer who gets a big break in London only to find out that her boss not only killed her mother but is also her birth mother too. A film that has an insanely good soundtrack that doesn't know how to use it but has exceptional character development from Estella to Cruella, and a fun story that shows the origin of one of the best villains in Disney. Its hard to like evil but it works so well because "the good thing about evil people is you can always trust them to do something, well, evil."

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    27 min
  • Best Insults In Films
    Feb 9 2025

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" words spoken by someone who hasn't been called an abomination before. In the world of films, the words you say can hold more power than anything anyone does to another character and today we wanna talk about that. As always we would love to know your favorites ya filthy animals and listen in as we trade verbal blows with some of the best insults in films.

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    23 min
  • Review: Chicago
    Feb 6 2025

    Not sure if you wanna be famous doing it the right way? Maybe killing your boyfriend will get you there. This is what happens when an aspiring show girl Roxie, kills her "boyfriend" and awaits trial all while developing this plan to become famous off of it. A musical that blends a perfect amount of real world drama with upbeat singing all while having a star studded cast and amazing cinematography for a film more than two decades ago. We're starting things off spicy for catty bitch month and like it or not we enjoyed this one because "this is Chicago kid, you can't beat fresh blood on the walls".

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    25 min
  • Strongest Women In Films
    Feb 2 2025

    "This is a mans world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman". Strong words to live by as women makes the world go round, and in a lot of cases, they make for better films. Today we discuss who is the most badass of the opposite sex and who can deliver better than any man ever could. As always we would love to know your thoughts on this and listen in as we kill a few terminators, xenomorphs, and control an empire with the strongest women in films.

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    23 min
  • Review: Clerks 2
    Jan 30 2025

    "Avert ya eyes ya perv" because today we take a trip down memory lane with a film that sparked our humor as teenagers. When Dante and Randalls workplace burns down they must start working at a horrible fast food restaurant while planning for a going away trip for Dante. A film that may not have all of the humor still hold up in todays standards still shines with a lot of it and classic cameos of Jay and silent Bob help a lot with it. It may not be the perfect film but its one that has always stuck with us over the years, and for that, "we're taking it back".

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    27 min
  • Childhood Films
    Jan 26 2025

    Films have come and gone, and as we get older our taste in movies may change, but there are those few that have stuck with us since we were kids. today we turn back the clock and look at those films that may have helped shape what we love today. As always, we would love to know your thoughts on this as well as some of your, and ask you to listen in while we sit down five feet away from the screen with juice box and snacks in hand, for our favorite childhood films.

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    36 min
  • Review: Jurassic Park
    Jan 24 2025

    Life truly does find a way when it comes to giant dinosaurs eating your colleagues in front of you. When Alan and Ellie are invited to a theme park based around dinosaurs, isn't it obvious that everything will go wrong? A film that is so near and dear to our childhood with nostalgia bursting out of every direction. Still holding up today with its special effects, characters, and soundtrack that absolutely fills a love for creatures of the past for Zach. We're not sure how this film has stayed so relevant to today's standards but we tip our hats to it because she is a "clever girl".

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    25 min