From our 07/23/2023 PM service,
"Romans Chapter 1 - Part 1 (B)"
(Conclusion of the Introduction)
If you have questions or if we can help then please reach out to us at (830) 896-5330 or
Ranchero Drive Baptist Church is a conservative, independent body of King James Bible believers located in Kerrville, Texas.
Our mission as an assembly is threefold:
- To Exalt the Saviour! Eph. 3:21
- To Edify the Saints! Eph. 4:16
- To Evangelize the Sinners! Lk 24:47
What we believe about the Scriptures: We believe that the scriptures of both Old and New Testament are verbally inspired of God, that they are the supreme and final authority for faith and practice, and are preserved in the Authorized Version (KJV 1611) of the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16. Psalm 12:6-7.
What we believe about God: We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That God is supreme in His person, absolute in His attributes, glorious in His perfection, and eternal in His being. 1 John 5:7.
What we believe about Jesus: We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ. His conception by the Holy Spirit, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, His bodily resurrection, His exaltation at God's right hand, and His personal imminent, pre-millennial, and pre-tribulation return. Matthew 1:20. 2 Corinthians 1:21. Ephesians 1:7. Luke 24:6, 39. 1 Timothy 2:5.
What we believe about the Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, one with the Father and the Son, the indweller of every believer to enlighten, guide, and enable him in life, testimony, and service, and seal each believer until the day of redemption of the body. John 15:26. John 14:7
What we believe about man: We believe that God created man in His image and likeness (a triune being: spirit, soul, and body) in a state of innocence's, but through temptation, he willingly transgressed, became dead in trespasses and sins. As a result, his posterity (all men) inherited a corrupt nature, are born in sin, and are under condemnation. Genesis 1:26. Psalm 51:5. Romans 5:12.
If you are looking for a church that preaches the Truth from God's Word, reach out to us if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you at (830) 896-5330 or
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Have A Blessed Day,
Ranchero Drive Baptist Church