In this episode, I pre-recorded an interview with Rorie Still. She is a screenwriter, and author of “Flashbang” - a collection of SciFi stories, researcher, marketing liaison, as well as an Executive producer of The Flashbang Ep 1 on YouTube. She also runs “Artist Live” interviews on her IG page, so be sure to check those out. She joins the Hollow Moon podcast to discuss her work and brainstorm ideas on how BIPOC creatives can contribute to Afrofuturistic work and speculative literature with Afro-descendant characters. You can follow Rorie on Instagram at @rorstll. If you enjoyed this episode, please follow on: Spotify, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Breaker, & more! You can also follow the Hollow Moon Podcast on social media. Twitter: @PodcastHollow, or leave a comment on the blog!