The episode title is in Latin (Incipit) and Old Irish, and translates to 'The Selected Language Begins'. Tyler and Michael discuss the legendary origins of the Irish language according to Auraicept na nÉces (The Scholar's Primer) and the Lebor Gabála (The Book of Invasions), finally concluding our overview of the Book of Invasions with the fifth and final taking of Ireland by the Sons of Míl. An overview of the historical reality of the development of Irish and the other Celtic languages concludes the episode.
Main topics addressed: Iron Age, Irish language, Scholar's Primer, Book of Invasions, Sons of Míl, poets and poetry.
References and Suggested Media:
Calder, G. Auraicept na nÉces: The Scholar’s Primer. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1917.
James, S. Exploring the World of the Celts (London: Thames & Hudson, 2005), pp. 152-163.
Macalister, R. A. S. Lebor Gabála Érenn vol 5. Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1956.
Twist, C., Raferty, B., et al. Philip's Atlas of the Celts. Dublin: George Philip Limited, 2001, pp. 14-17.