Solve the mystery of what family member is talking to you in 4 short conversations at a family fiesta.
- el familiar is a relative
- ¿qué onda? is what’s happening
- sin ofensa a ti is no offense
- la llegada is the arrival
- el / la aguafiestas is party pooper
- el esposo is husband
- los suegros are parents in law
- se encarga de eso (encargarse) is she is in charge of that
- orgullosos are proud
- la empresa is business
- técnicamente is technically
- no me cae bien (caerse) is I don’t get along well with him
- me prestas (prestar) is you lend me
- malvada is evil
- guárdame (guardar) is save me
- ¡No me digas! is you don’t say!
- la bisnieta is great-granddaughter
- inocuos is harmless
- las alitas de pollo are chicken wings
- la silla de ruedas is wheelchair
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