Test your comprehension skills and country knowledge by guessing the four places dónde tú estás.
- el / la cantante is singer
- la discoteca is nightclub
- agradable is agreeable
- rodeada is surrounded
- una isla is an island
- la parrilla is grill
- asqueroso is gross
- los castillos are castles
- el lenguaje is language
- un descanso is a rest
- caluroso is hot
- los mariscos are seafood
- una corona is a crown
- están vitoreando (vitorear) is they are applauding
- calvos is bald
- los carriles pequeños are small carts
- el jengibre is ginger
- las bebidas gratis are the free drinks
- los tacones are high heels
- por seguro is for sure
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