We get the privilege of hearing the inner dialogue of a conservative and a liberal couple during a dinner party.
Don't forget to send me an email at gringaconsulting@gmail.com for a free sample video from the Gringa Video Library!
- evitaban (evitar) is they avoided
- la retrospección is retrospect
- un poco is a bit
- desafiantemente is defiantely
- molesto is upset
- una querida amiga is a dear friend
- hostiles is hostile
- el sistema político is the political system
- hacerse una composición de lugar is to “read the room”
- las pistolas are guns
- vacunar is to vaccinate
- incómoda is uncomfortable
- las creencias are beliefs
- las teorías de la conspiración are conspiracy theories
- darle un puñetazo is to punch him
- quejan (quejar) is they complain
- ¿A quién le importa? is Who cares?
- había durado (durar) is had lasted
- relajado is relaxed
- la bandera blanca is white flag
For free transcripts, visit: https://rss.com/podcasts/thegringaspanglishpodcast/
For the book from this season, go to: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D9JWVBRD
For a free consultation with Alyssa, book a time here: https://calendly.com/gringaconsulting/spanish-lesson-free-consultation?back=1&month=2024-06