Categorized - 00:24
This time, Ivana & Jay take a crack at the movies that best represent the years 2000-2004, and the films from that time.
Taking A Break - 29:18
Jay had to get a massage for a shoulder injury and Ivana talks about why she hates them!
Top Drawer TV - 32:38
The pair start The Watchlist with the pilot episode of The Good Wife from 2009, a courtroom procedural that has since had 2 spin offs, including one still on the air!
Outro - 44:36
Join us next time when Ivana & Jay watch Oddity (2024)!
Here’s what remains on The Watchlist:
- Absence of Malice (1981)
- Animal Farm (Book - George Orwell)
- The Insider (1999)
- Josie & The Pussycats (2000)
- A Man From Earth (2007)
- Rashomon (1950)
- Videodrome (1983)
Email us about anything at all, anytime at our new e-mail address
Thank You!
The talented voice, SFX and music artists have made our show possible and we owe them a HUUUUGE thank you.
Darren Osborne, Announcer & Voice Artist
Leslie Seiler, Comedian & Actor - @Leslie_Seiler
Paul “PK” Kingston, Comedian & Actor - @PaulPKKingston
Chris Shapcotte, Voice Actor - @shapshots
Laura Carney, News Anchor - @LauraMCarney
SFX are courtesy of:
Mike Koenig from
Explosion & Debris & Mike Koenig (
Phantom from Space by Kevin MacLeod (
Intro / Outro Music
"Itty Bitty 8 Bit" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License