This is a thought-provoking episode featuring Cassandra Smith owner of organic skin care company The Body Talkk. We dive into the invitation to unbecoming in marriage, discussing how spiritual growth and open communication can transform your relationship. By focusing on spiritual growth, open communication, and the collective use of spiritual gifts, couples can navigate the complexities of marriage while remaining aligned with God's purpose. In fact, to support that, I give some some actionable advice for couples looking to grow together spiritually.This episode is brought to you by The Body Talkk, where aim to recommend and provide quality health and wellness products in order to help all their customers reach an overall state of well-being in spirit, mind, and body. Check out their website at you enjoyed today’s episode, please leave us a review and share our podcast with others.We invite you to embark on your own journey of unbecoming:1:1 MentorshipUn-Becoming Mentoring[COURSE] Un-Becoming: The Business DetoxThe Un-Becoming Book[CLASS] Divine Dialogue: You CAN Hear God's Voice[COURSE] 7 Ingredients to Unlocking Your Kingdom Identity[COURSE] Daily Business Meetings With God 5-Day Experience[COURSE] Unlock Your Anointing[MINISTRY] Gathering of Kings[FELLOWSHIP] Kappa Tau Theta Kingdom Sorority[CONSULTING] Winning At Workplace WellnessSocial Media: InstagramTikTokYouTubeLinkedInFacebookInvite Dr. Eboni L. to speak at your event, in your summit, or on your podcast!We hope you enjoyed this episode of Un-Becoming with Dr. Eboni L. Truss, The Podcast!