Want to prevent kidney disease progression in patients with type 2 diabetes? Join host Dr Silvio Inzucchi and nephrologist Dr David Cherney as they unpack the how and why behind current recommendations.
Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape.com (https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/963275). The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
KDIGO 2020 Clinical Practice Guideline for Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease https://kdigo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KDIGO-2020-Diabetes-in-CKD-GL.pdf
Introduction: ADA Standards of Medical Care https://diabetesjournals.org/care/issue/45/Supplement_1
Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Comorbidities: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes — 2022 https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article/45/Supplement_1/S39/138909/3-Prevention-or-Delay-of-Type-2-Diabetes-and