Hola mija, and welcome to Season 1! I’m Cara Villarreal a Latinx Astrologer, tarot reader, and Reiki Master. We're celebrating our culture, taking up space to connect while healing in community and building sustainable resources! Exploring the cosmos, aligning with nature, grounding in gratitude, honoring our ancestors, and building a relationship with the planets. Creating sacred space to grow, reflect, and expand into cosmic awareness. Because representation is important and everyone deserves space to collectively transmute and transform. As above, so below.
8:25 - Interlude - ORCAS
8:40 - Full Moon Tarot Card Reading
Ig: @Cosmic.tia @Carastateofmind
Tiktok: @cosmic.tia @carastateofmind
Pod Art: @_melida_design
All music by Elias Hampton eliashampton.bandcamp.com/