It’s time for more Excel Saga, and the hits just keep coming!
Join us this week as we marvel at Excel using Excel, grow confused about vomit zombies, and most importantly, avenging Masa!
[Episode 5] The Interesting Giant Tower: In a parody of dramas about social problems, Excel and Hyatt infiltrate City Hall to gather dirt on the corrupt politicians. In the course of their investigations, they encounter Dr. Kapabu, who controls F City's leaders and has no qualms about removing obstacles with violence. Kabapu creates the Department of City Security in order to defend the city from future threats (with embezzled funds), and hires Watanabe, who pins his romantic hopes on a government job, as well as Iwata and Sumiyoshi, who just wanted to tag along with Watanabe. ACROSS scores a victory of sorts, with the help of green drink-induced zombies and bathroom scribbles.
[Episode 6] The Cold is Winter! Snowed under Episode: This episode is a parody of the survival movie genre. ACROSS plans to set up a laser cannon in the mountains in order to terrify F City into submission and at the mercy of the idealist organization – however, due to her usual stupidity and the sub-zero arctic environment, things don't go as Ilpalazzo has planned. Meanwhile, Watanabe, Iwata and Sumiyoshi are sent on a training exercise in the same mountains, and meet their new co-worker, the sexy but fierce Misaki Matsuya, who becomes Iwata's new fetish.
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Theme Music by Taylor Gray