We couldn't have asked for a better first episode than this one where Amirah, Kearsley, and Jacqueline talk with Kari Kermode, Kearsley's mom and founder and owner of Style Dance Academy in Franklin, Indiana.
Learn more about Style Dance Academy here: http://www.styledanceacademy.com/
Kearsley's involvement with the family business has been written about before: https://shelbycountypost.com/local-news/693755
And you may know Kearsley's oldest brother, Keaton, from TV: https://fox59.com/news/shelby-county-native-makes-it-to-top-6-of-sytycd/
These recordings are made possible by the Engaged Learning team at Franklin College, which includes the offices of career and professional development, global education, the Center for Tech Innovation, and the Kite Shop, our little entrepreneurship program. You can learn more about these programs at FranklinCollege.edu, at theKiteShopFC.com, and you can send ideas, feedback, and questions to thekiteshop@franklincollege.edu.
Jeremy VanAndel is the director of professional development and is an instructor of business at Franklin College and publishes this podcast. The views expressed in this recording are those of the instructor and students only and should not be attributed to Franklin College.