Kristi shares insights, perceptions, guidance and loving energies to support see(z)ing a more expansive sense of ourSelves. Healing and expansion focused on forgiveness of self and others, finding and re-membering the gift of you, and dancing in the spiral energies that guide, nourish and anchor us here. Tips and suggestions; your opportunities and participating in healing beyond space and time.
Live group healing for breast wellness, expansion, and clearing in the heart chakra added in lieu of live-caller announcements and cut-outs from internet issues. Kristi's blog "Four Ways to Connect with Forgiveness". Other goodies and booking links at
Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being. As noted, do not drive or operate heavy machinery during the guided energy-healing segment.