Show Notes for Sky and Telescope-AIRSLA December Sky and Telescope
News Notes - Various news articles from the world of astronomy
"A Shape Shifting Asterism" - The circlet of Pisces changes form depending on how you look at it. - Stephen James O'Meara
"The Werner-Airy Enigma" - Does this Lunar region contain a forgotten basin? - Charles A. Wood
"What Are the Galilean Moons? - Peter Tyson
"Under Construction" - The earliest exoplanet spectra from the James Webb Space Telescope are extraordinary - and challenging. Astronomer's toolkits need a major upgrade in order to interpret the data. - Shannon Hall
"Slashes in the Sky" - Spend some time on winter nights observing flat galaxies - Ivan Maly
"An Unexpected Joy" - Last Mays' breathtaking aurora caught the author off guard in the most rewarding way - Steve Benham
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