Episode Notes On this episode, Kayla and Kristina are joined by Jenna Reid for a conversation that feels like a bolt of energy to our weary pandemic souls. Jenna speaks about Mad Movements, their histories, their teachings, and how embracing Madness can support the goal of abolition. We discuss the role of Madness in bringing an ethic of care to academia, the (in)accessibility of online activism, and the politics of working from bed.
Jenna speaks about her art practice, emphasizing the need to embrace slowness into not just our society, but also our own lives - what might a rejection of productivity bring to our activism and community building?
We end the conversation speaking about how to honour our rage, and how to find joy and love in the face of social injustice.
For a full transcript of this episode, as well as helpful links and key quotes, visit the Bodies in
Translation Website: https://bodiesintranslation.ca/crip-times-a-podcast-series/