I have many certifications as a hypnotherapist, Ordained minister, shamanic practitioner, ex massage therapist, intuitive training. I am sure I am missing some.
Elena Salazar. https://www.elenapsalazar.com
I spend time in nature, bead quill's of feathers, meditation is important to me as a part of my spiritual practice.
Heart Wisdom/Medicine woman.- know yourself through your heart (shadow work). You are your own soul retrieval and entity remover.. I come with over 27 years of healing art behind me. I work with ritual, meditation, prayer and have a loving respect for the earth elements, myself, others and the spirit world. My passion is to heal the wounds that bind us. Sessions are deeply personal, individualistic and transformative. I offer sessions for medicine integration, womb ritual for women that have experienced loss of unborn through abortion or miscarriage. I have recently been recognized as a diviner through the Dagra tradition (not divining for others at this point). (Psychedelic therapy.)
My interest is in where we hide ourselves. Healing through medicine work. I am also very simple.
-Shadow work
-Difference between two types of anger
-The struggles of coming into vulnerability
-Her morning routine
-Dream journaling insight
-Connecting with ancestors through dreams
-Current practice of becoming a Diviner in the Dagara Traditions and what this practice is.
-A beautiful closing light language prayer