Happy New Year! Welcome back to English Outside the Box's part 2 of Episode 1 in Season 2 of the podcast. That is a mouthful :) Season 2 is kicking off with an important strategy for your success in English, making the TIME to do what you want and need to do. Part 1 introduced the topic and had actionable steps to take in the episode to start making more time for yourself. Part 2 has tips and tricks from best-selling authors on exactly HOW TO MAKE MORE TIME, especially if you often say that you have no time.
For your best success, listen to this episode and take notes, complete the exercises I suggest, and give it your best effort!
If you want more personalized support, then start 2024 with The English Success System. You can get your strengths and weaknesses assessment, understand your goals + receive your personalized study strategy plan.
Message me on WhatsApp to get started: https://wa.me/message/ATIRTKSRZIVRC1
Cheers to you, your success and a great year ahead!