What should we do when science and spirituality conflict? Should we follow our intuition on what and how to eat, or should we only make evidence-based food choices? And can we truly make evidence based food choices when the science often seems to be contradictory or constantly changing?
In today’s episode I speak with best selling author and inspirational speaker Victoria Moran, about how she navigates making healthy and ethical food choices as both a spiritual yogi and ethical vegan.
Victoria is the bestselling author of thirteen books, including Creating a Charmed Life, The Love-Powered Diet, and the iconic Main Street Vegan. She is also a holistic health counselor, the founder and director of Main Street Vegan Academy, a podcast host, and film producer. She’s appeared twice on the Oprah Winfrey show and her articles and work have appeared in numerous publications including Yoga Journal, the Washington Post, Glamour, and Martha Stewart’s Whole Living.
Visit Victoria’s website here
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For more information or to contact Sarina visit www.bornvegan.org or send an email to info@bornvegan.org